Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Uses of Class

Packages that use DataCreationException
oracle.jbo.common Contains the implementation of components shared by thin clients and the middle tier. 
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 

Uses of DataCreationException in oracle.jbo.common

Methods in oracle.jbo.common that throw DataCreationException
static byte[] TypeMarshaller.createStream(java.lang.Class cls, java.lang.Object obj)
          Serializes a Java object of a specified class.
static java.lang.Object TypeMarshaller.readObject(java.lang.Class cls, byte[] stream)
          Reads a Java object of a specified class from a byte stream.
static byte[] TypeMarshaller.createStream(int val)
          Serializes a 32-bit Java integer value.
static byte[] TypeMarshaller.createStream(short val)
          Serializes a 16-bit Java integer value.
static byte[] TypeMarshaller.createStream(long val)
          Serializes a 64-bit Java integer value.
static byte[] TypeMarshaller.createStream(float val)
          Serializes a 32-bit Java floating-point value.
static byte[] TypeMarshaller.createStream(double val)
          Serializes a 64-bit Java floating-point value.
static byte[] TypeMarshaller.createStream(byte val)
          Serializes an 8-bit Java integer value.
static byte[] TypeMarshaller.createStream(boolean val)
          Serializes a Java boolean value.
static byte[] TypeMarshaller.createStream(char val)
          Serializes a Java character.
static java.lang.String TypeMarshaller.readString(byte[] byteStream)
          Reads a Java string from a byte stream.
static int TypeMarshaller.readInt(byte[] byteStream)
          Reads a 32-bit Java integer from a byte stream.
static short TypeMarshaller.readShort(byte[] byteStream)
          Reads a 16-bit Java integer from a byte stream.
static long TypeMarshaller.readLong(byte[] byteStream)
          Reads a 64-bit Java integer from a byte stream.
static float TypeMarshaller.readFloat(byte[] byteStream)
          Reads a 32-bit Java floating-point number from a byte stream.
static double TypeMarshaller.readDouble(byte[] byteStream)
          Reads a 64-bit Java floating-point number from a byte stream.
static byte TypeMarshaller.readByte(byte[] byteStream)
          Reads an 8-bit Java integer from a byte stream.
static boolean TypeMarshaller.readBoolean(byte[] byteStream)
          Reads a boolean value from a byte stream.
static char TypeMarshaller.readChar(byte[] byteStream)
          Reads a Java character from a byte stream.
static byte[] ArrayMarshaller.createStream(java.lang.Class cls, java.lang.Object[] obj)
          NEW Convert an array of objects into byte stream.
static java.lang.Object[] ArrayMarshaller.readObject(java.lang.Class cls, byte[] stream)
          Convert byte stream into an array of objects.
static byte[] ArrayMarshaller.createStream(int[] val)
          NEW Convert an integer array into byte stream.
static java.lang.String[] ArrayMarshaller.readString(byte[] byteStream)
          NEW Convert byte stream into an array of Strings.
static int[] ArrayMarshaller.readInt(byte[] byteStream)
          NEW Convert byte stream into an array of integers.

Uses of DataCreationException in oracle.jbo.server

Methods in oracle.jbo.server that throw DataCreationException
 java.lang.Object SQLBuilder.doLoadFromResultSet(java.lang.Object theTypeFactory, java.lang.Object theElemFactory, java.lang.Class theJavaType, byte attrLoad, java.sql.ResultSet rs, int index, DBTransactionImpl trans)
          Loads an object from a result set.
 java.lang.Object[] SQLBuilder.doLoadBulkFromResultSet(AttributeDefImpl[] attrs, int attrIndex, java.sql.ResultSet rs, int rsIndex, DBTransactionImpl trans)
          Loads an array of objects from a result set.
 java.lang.Object SQLBuilder.doLoadFromStatement(java.lang.Object theTypeFactory, java.lang.Object theElemFactory, java.lang.Class theJavaType, java.sql.PreparedStatement ps, int index, Transaction trans)
          Loads an object from a result set.
 java.lang.Object AttributeDefImpl.convertToJava(java.lang.Object data)
          Converts a value from the database type to its corresponding Java type and returns the result.
 java.lang.Object AttributeDefImpl.loadFromResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet rs, int index, DBTransactionImpl trans)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.
 java.lang.Object AttributeDefImpl.loadFromStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement cs, int index, Transaction trans)
          Internal: Applications should not use this method.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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