Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01

Uses of Interface

Packages that use WSRowSetMarshaller
oracle.jbo.server Contains the implementation of middle tier components. 

Uses of WSRowSetMarshaller in oracle.jbo.server

Classes in oracle.jbo.server that implement WSRowSetMarshaller
 class EntityRowSetImpl
          EntityRowSetImpl represents the ResultSet of an association.
 class ViewObjectImpl
          The implementation of the ViewObject interface, the middle-tier class that manages database queries and the view rows that result from executing queries.
 class ViewRowSetImpl
          The middle-tier class that manages collections of view rows that result from executing a query.

Uses of WSRowSetMarshaller in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade

Classes in oracle.jbo.server.ejb.facade that implement WSRowSetMarshaller
 class CmrAccessorEntRowSet
 class CmrAccessorViewImpl
 class CmrAccessorViewRowSet
 class FinderViewImpl
          Abstract base class for Finder-Based View Object.

Oracle ADF Model and Business Components API Reference 10.1.2 B14022-01


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