Re: running the test harness

From: Fabian Ritzmann <Fabian.Ritzmann_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 17:46:03 +0300

Jitendra Kotamraju wrote:
>> Can I assume that in this case (SEI with WSDL, sun-jaxws.xml) JAX-WS
>> is not looking at the annotations at run-time? This is the content of
>> the sun-jaxws.xml (after I had tweaked the @WebService parameters to
>> match the wsdl names):
>> <endpoints xmlns=""
>> version="2.0">
>> <endpoint service="{}PingService"
>> wsdl="WEB-INF/wsdl/EchoService.wsdl"
>> implementation="wsrm.roundtrip.server.IPingImpl"
>> url-pattern="/IPingImpl"
>> port="{}WSHttpBinding_IPing" name="endpoint0">
> "service", and "port" are optional in sun-jaxws.xml If they are not
> there in DD, then the runtime would look at the annotations.

What I still don't get, when I use Endpoint.publish, JAX-WS verifies if
the given port and service names match the given WSDL. If they don't
match, it tries to generate a new WSDL. When I use the InVmContainer
instead, this verification is not happening and JAX-WS does not try to
generate new WSDL. Why is it different?
