Re: Table checkboxes offset when in webuijsf:property

From: Arnaud Brand <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 18:11:30 +0200
Thanks for your help. I'll try on monday to give these checkboxes a shift to the bottom of the screen.

While we're on the property sheet problems, I just remembered this afternoon why I removed the LIFECYCLE_ID in web.xml : it broke <w:property>'s content facet.
When I added more than one component to this content facet (in my case a <w:dropdown> and a <w:button>) and at least one of these components had an id set, I got an error from (as far as I can remember) UIPartialViewRoot complaining that this id was already used (duplicate component id messages or something like that).

As soon as I removed the components ids, things worked well. If I kept the component's ids, I had to remove the facet and set the components as direct childs of the w:property. Removing the lifecycle_id also solved the thing. Being a relative beginner in JSF, I though "the simpler, the better" and remove that from my web.xml.

I'll verify this behavior and try and prepare a simple test case that reproduces it on monday.

Have a nice week end,

Dan Labrecque a écrit :
In that case, I have not seen this issue before. It appears property sheet has defined a CSS selector to adjust the position of all checkbox/radiobutton(s) in the page, which is not appropriate for a table. I filed the following report for you.

That said, you may be able to override the property sheet selector. However, we need to identify exactly which one, first.


Arnaud Brand wrote:
Hi Dan,

I wasn't talking about table action buttons offset, but about checkboxes offset.
On IE7 they're just slightly off, that's no issue (at least for me).

But on FF, they're really too high (and even go over the previous row).
Any clues ?


Dan Labrecque a écrit :
This is a known issue with IE 7.

Arnaud Brand wrote:

the table's selectboxes render too high when the table is in a property :
<w:property id="propTble">
   <f:facet name="content">
       <webuijsf:table id="tableTraits".....>
            <w:tableColumn .....>
               <w:checkbox id="select" ....>       <==

I attached two screenshots (one for firefox which renders the checkboxes far too high, and another one for IE7 which renders the checkboxes slightly too high).
I attached the JSP too.

Does someone have a clue or should I file a bug ?

Thanks and best regards,

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