Woodstock 4.1.1 components not available on glassfish deployment

From: Tongayi Masunda <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 08:12:02 +0200

Hi there

Thanks in advance for your assistance. I was refered here by Winston

We need to use some of the new components in woodstock 4.1.1 with our
netbeans 6.0 vwp project. We followed the instructions for updating the
components as detailed on link . All
components can be viewed from the IDE but once you deploy them on Glassfish
they all disappear. We even went as far as deploying the vehicles sample
that comes with Netbeans 6.0 and obtained the same result. Only the content
panels can be viewed.

Is there something that we are missing. Please help.

Warmest regards,

Tongayi Masunda