Re: Heads up: Dojo .9

From: Jason Suplizio <>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 13:27:21 -0700

Are the components only dependent on dojo to perform the Ajax operations?

On 9/27/07, Dan Labrecque <> wrote:
> There seems to be some expectation that Dojo .9 would be introduced for
> build #13 (September 28th). Although that's what I was shooting for, we
> have to defer this for the following build. I'm still testing, but
> seeing significant improvement in download speeds. This improvement is
> mainly due to the reduced number of JavaScript requests made by Dojo.
> However, we plan to increase performance even further by reducing the
> number of requests for our own JavaScript. There is also some image
> mapping in the works to reduce the number of themed image requests.
> Dan
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