I answered a similar email this morning.
But I know you are not going to want to hear this, but such a user
interface is not very
user friendly.
First there are no users that will be able to deal with a 1000 row table.
Secondly there are no users that are going to be able to deal with a
dropdown with 5000 entries.
I would suggest "partitioning" the data into more "common"
configurations. For example if all combinatorial
choices in such a table are possible, then determine the most common
combinations and have a table for
each of those common configurations. Maybe the dropdowns in those
configurations may only have
100 or so entries.
You are better off just having input fields and letting the user type in
the choice. This will save
them a tremendous amount of time, that they will have spend trying to
search through 5000 entries, among
30 dropdowns per row.
If you insist on such an inefficient user interface then the only way
you can manage this
is to have just in time loading of the dropdowns, as I mentioned in my
earlier email.
Or use auto complete fields if the user has an idea of what the choices are.
Clearly you cannot expect such a configuration to be efficient,
regardless of the component set
you choose. Firstly the Woodstock components are JSF component. JSF is a
server side framework,
meaning that the page is generated on the server, that means all the
rows and all the components with
their data are determined on the server. (Generally speaking of course.
JSF does have some "ajax"
client features but the Woodstock components used in a "vanilla" way via
the JSP tags are server side
components for the most part).
We did (I am no longer on the woodstock team and am answering this in my
spare time;) develop some
client side widgets that have the same JSF/JSP language bindings.
However it is the responsiibility
of the application developer to utilize the features of the widgets as
client side components.
For example when configured appropriately, the dropdowns can be loaded
just in time
on the client, when they are referenced.
You should read the documentation and since you have such a "special"
use case, you should get
familiar with the source code to allow you optimize your implementation
to your satisfaction.
tecnologia_at_ventureventi.com wrote:
> Please I need some help about dropdown component, this is the the
> problem:
> I have some dropdowns on to a table, and i have to charge about 1000
> rows in the table, and each row are about 30 dropdowns, and each
> dropdown are to charge about 5000 articles, and i have problems whit
> charging the dropdowns, it is very very slow, please could you help
> me, give me please any suggestion, i dont know what can i do ...
> please answerme..
> Greetings..
> Paula
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