Re: Loading speed of Calendar Component

From: nbnbnewb <>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 04:40:49 -0700 (PDT)

I thought I had tried the various loading schemes (after reading the release
notes for Woodstock 4.2 releases).
Interestingly, Firefox and Safari load almost instantly, the problem appears
to be IE7 specific.

Did you use the calendar component specifically? If so I would be interested
to know what load speed you achieve in IE7 and also what scheme you used?

I shall investigate the schemes again.

Good thought on customising the Javascript. I shall look at cutting it down
to the bare essentials.


richard ratta wrote:
> Check to see if the calendar.js page is loading separately.
> If the calendar.js page is loading separately, try using one of the
> alternative loading
> schemes (can't remember the incantation exactly) like "webuiAll".
> There are a few loading schemes that allow you to tune what gets loaded
> in every
> page. We tried to make the most likely page load as fast as possible.
> But it did not include
> every widget's javascript. There are several schemes, I think you
> configure them on the
> body tag.
> You could consider customizing the js that loads by creating your own js
> file that contains
> the "stuff" you need. This will reduce the amount of js loaded and the
> number files to load.
> We found that the reducing number of downloads is one of the primary
> factors to fast page start up.
> -rick
> Nick Beare wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been very impressed with the functionality and visual appeal of
>> a number of the Woodstock components I have used in my short
>> experience with Woodstock.
>> However (…have you noticed, there is always a ‘however’ following a
>> compliment?) I have noticed that the load times on some pages are very
>> slow compared with some other frameworks. I am in the process of
>> rewriting a Tapestry application. The VW JSF Woodstock app looks much
>> better and has more functionality, but load speed in some of the pages
>> is much slower.
>> My investigations lead me to strip down one of my pages and I found
>> that the load time was nearly all down to the calendar control. I have
>> 4 of these on my page Without these controls, the load time is
>> approximately 4 seconds quicker (2 seconds versus 6 seconds on my
>> desktop PC). The equivalent (uglier) Tapestry page loads in about 1.5
>> seconds).
>> Is there any way to tune the calendar control?
>> Regards
>> Nick Beare
>> Developer
>> Vixensoft
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>> Number 4335138.
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