I am using IE 6 SP2 and still see the problem.
Ratnadeep Bhattacharjee wrote:
> Not sure if this applies to your situation but there was some issue
> around png images for which we applied a fix for IE5 and IE6. Later it
> was found that IE6 SP2 had takes care of the issue. Hence, the fix is
> now applied to IE5 only. If someone is using IE6 it is highly
> recommended that she switch to SP2.
> Check out the following method in renderkit.html.ImageRenderer:
> private boolean isPngAndIE(FacesContext context, String url)
> -Deep.
> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>> Hi Anissa,
>> I think it is b/c of IE 6's inability to dither the alpha channel /
>> deal w/ transparency correctly. I'm not sure, though. I'm cc'ing w/
>> Woodstock alias for more input. I think the team is moving away from
>> special images in favor of using CSS rules (perhaps including using
>> transparency in cases like this). This makes rebranding the
>> components easier, but perhaps makes IE 6 look bad. Perhaps this
>> will give people a little motivation to upgrade to Firefox to get
>> around this. ;)
>> Ken
>> Anissa Lam wrote:
>>> I just notice that GUI doesn't look right on IE6. Please see the
>>> attached image.
>>> Will it be because the image on the header is a png file ? I seem
>>> to remember that someone mentioned that there is issue with png on IE.
>>> The triangle tuner on the tree node looks strange also, but we
>>> haven't changed any woodstock jar recently.
>>> Any one sees this ? I haven't run IE for sometime, and not sure
>>> when this starts.
>>> Anissa.
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