Please review: fix for CR 81

From: Gregory Murphy <Gregory.Murphy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 01 May 2007 11:29:32 -0700

This is fix for CR 81, 'annotations doesn't support "List<> obj" syntax'

In sum, the annotations processor needs support to escape component or
property metadata, depending on the format of the file that is being
written. This fix introduces a simple "Escaper" interface, which defines
a single method for escaping strings:


 * An escaper is a utility object used to escape component or property metadata

 * when it is written to a file. The transformation performed is dependent on the

 * file format.


public interface Escaper {


   * Escape the text specified and return it.


  public String escape(String text);


File generators may be provided an escaper that is appropriate for the
type of file that they will be writing. I will add one impl of escaper,
for handling XML files:


 * An escaper for XML file types.


public class XmlEscaper implements Escaper {


   * Escape the text specified and return it.


  public String escape(String text) {

    if (text == null)

      return null;

    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

    for (char c : text.toCharArray()) {

      if (c == '>')


      else if (c == '<')


      else if (c == '&')


      else if (c == '"')





    return buffer.toString();



The generator impl for the taglib files makes it's escaper available to
its template context like this:

velocityContext.put("escaper", this.getEscaper());

Which can then be used in the template like this:


That's the gist.

// Gregory