woodstock sample themes

From: Leszek Mencnarowski <Leszek.Mencnarowski_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 14:55:51 +0200


I am trying to build customized theme for the 4.x versions of woodstock
just to see if it would be suitable as a component library for my customer.
A few little things I tried worked ok but it is quite a huge work to create
a completely new theme which would follow a corporate look and feel of
a specific company.

Can you please let me know if we have anywhere alternate non-trivial
themes for woodstock ?
Perhaps you have references to public web sites which
do use such customized themes ?
The Java Studio Creator had some color variations for the older woodstock
versions but this was not much of a difference.
I would like to know how far was anybody able to go away from the
default theme.

As much as I see the woodstock components useful and attractive
the customers I know are very strict about their corporate web design
so either it looks as they want it or it just does not count.

I would be also grateful for any Sun internal references (web sites etc).


Leszek Mencnarowski
Solution Architect
Professional Services Delivery          Phone:   +41 44 908 9056
Sun Microsystems (Schweiz) AG           Fax:     +41 44 908 9001
Javastrasse 2 / Hegnau                  Mobile:  +41 79 480 9951
CH - 8604 Volketswil                    <>