Re: [Fwd: Re: Escallation to woodstock team]

From: Edwin Goei <Edwin.Goei_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 17:35:06 -0700

Not sure, I'll take a look but I have to leave right now. Sometimes, I
have had to re-install VWP on top of NB 5.5 when things get screwed up
and then start over. My blog entry has instructions on how to do that
referenced in the instructions page.


Marina Fisher wrote:
> here are more details on the error
> -marina
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: Escallation to woodstock team
> From:
> Ashish Banerjee <Ashish.Banerjee_at_Sun.COM>
> Date:
> Wed, 11 Apr 2007 21:03:01 +0530
> To:
> Ashish Banerjee <Ashish.Banerjee_at_Sun.COM>
> To:
> Ashish Banerjee <Ashish.Banerjee_at_Sun.COM>
> CC:
> Marina Fisher <Marina.Fisher_at_Sun.COM>, Sandeep Singal
> <>, Anitha.Iyer_at_Sun.COM, Ranjan kumar
> <Ranjan.Kumar_at_Sun.COM>, Archana Saxena <>
> Marina,
> I checked the woodstock site, they say that NB5.5 bundled with App
> server 9 is recommended and they have a dependency on JSF 2.0 (along
> with 2 other dependencies) and presently only Application Server 9
> (Glassfish) supports JSF 2.0. However, we are facing this problem (of
> Visual web pack ) even with this bundle.
> Regards
> AB
> Ashish Banerjee wrote:
>> Hi Marina,
>> I selected 'yes' and it downloaded and apparently installed the
>> modules and asked for a restart. Thats when the following attached
>> error cropped up (see below).
>> Also attaching a screen shot.
>> Regards
>> Ashish
>> Warning - could not install some modules:
>> Update Center Extension - The module JSF Project Core was
>> requested in version >= 2.0 but only was found.
>> InSync Source Modeler - The module JSF Project Core was requested
>> in version >= 2.0 but only was found.
>> 10 further modules could not be installed due to the above problems.
>> Marina Fisher wrote:
>>> have you tried selecting 'yes' and test it out. I can't remember if
>>> I was getting this error since it's been a couple of weeks ago
>>> -marina
>>> Ashish Banerjee wrote:
>>>> Hi Marina,
>>>> We need to create the Project Template and the NB plugin, in a
>>>> machine with NB 5.5 and Visual Pack 5.5 with latest update.
>>>> We have tried to update Visual Pack since last two days (since
>>>> monday) from 6 different machines, including my home workstation.
>>>> We have tried with both Windows XP/SP2 and Sun Solaris 10 machines.
>>>> However, we are getting an error message while updation, which says
>>>> that the updates will not be effective. I have attached the screen
>>>> shot for the error, with this email.
>>>> Please escalate this issue to the Visual Web (Woodstock) team.
>>>> The woodstock lib error in our plugin is suspected on a version
>>>> mismatch, and this error might go away if we are able to build our
>>>> plugin from an updated machine.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Ashish Banerjee
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------