Build error and request for source pointer

From: Ashish Banerjee <Ashish.Banerjee_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2007 17:52:56 +0530


1. We are getting a build error (both with ant as well as netbeans)

You must define

2. Also, please point us to the source code of the new project creation
wizard in woodstock.

3. We are extending the woodstock for a business partner. For this
purpose we are creating a project using woodstock and using it as a
project template. We are facing a long list of minor issues doing this
project template. These issues are not present in the orignal woodstock

Is this (creating a new NB plugin and using a project template) the
optimum way of extending woodstock? or would it be simpler to just
extend the woodstock project by adding another screen in the new project

Thanks and regards

Ashish Banerjee