Re: localization question

From: richard ratta <Richard.Ratta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2007 15:53:47 -0400

Could you try using the latest code base and see if you still need to
SUPPORTED_LOCALES in the web.xml ?

I attempted to remove this dependency in the latest changes to the theme

The ThemeServlet cannot reference JSF artifacts, since it is trying to
be neutral
with respect to the components and frameworks.


Senthil Chidambaram wrote:

> We've specified the supported locales in our faces-config.xml file,
> and this seems to be working fine for our application related
> messages, stylesheets etc. Looks like for ThemeServlet to handle
> localization we've to specify the following initParam in our web.xml
> file.
> com.sun.webui.theme.SUPPORTED_LOCALES
> I looked at your code briefly. In,
> setSupportedLocales() says it's deprecated, but if I don't specify the
> above initParam it's not working.
> To begin with I don't like the idea of specifying all the supported
> locales either in faces-config, or in web.xml file. In this particular
> case we've specified the supported locales in faces-config.xml
> already, can't ThemeServlet read it from FacesServlet to figure out
> the supported locales. Of course you can still give the option of
> overriding it at application level.
> I can file an issue for this on woodstock if you prefer. We don't want
> to specify supported locales in two different files.
> thx
> Senthil
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