
[jsr369-experts] Re: Proposed fundamental spec change: require h2c and h2

From: Mark Thomas <markt_at_apache.org>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2017 09:11:43 +0100

On 13/04/2017 21:07, Edward Burns wrote:


> I know there are all these arguments from PHK and others about moving
> the world away from the potential of government interference, but
> considering that many users deploy Servlets enitrely within secure data
> centers, not requiring h2c is a mistake in my opinion.
> I suspect most impls already do h2 and h2c anyway. I know GlassFish
> does.

Tomcat does too.

I agree that h2c has it uses in some reverse proxy situations and given
the high proportion of deployments I see Tomcat used with a reverse
proxy this makes sense to me.

> ACTION: Please respond by start of business Tuesday 18 April 2017. No
> response means this proposal is ok.

Note: Friday and Monday are public holidays in the UK (and possibly
elsewhere). You might want to allow a little more time in case of
