Hi Kumar,
Sounds great. I've attached the right "mixed-case-content-type.txt". Thank
Brian Joh
Software Engineer
Twitter Mobile
http://twitter.com/brianwjoh <
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 12:52 AM, Kumar Jayanti <v.b.kumar.jayanti_at_oracle.com
> wrote:
> Hi Brian,
> On 05-Aug-2011, at 9:33 AM, Brian Joh wrote:
> Hello,
> Excuse me if this is not the appropriate mailing list....
> This is the right mailing list. Thanks for the detailed mail..
> For several months, we've been working with the SAAJ package built into the
> Sun JDK 6 to parse incoming SOAP messages with attachments. We found some
> issues, so recently we've been using and fixing the problems in the SAAJ
> Standard Implementation.
> 1. If the "start" parameter in the document Content-Type is not surrounded
> by angle brackets, the root part will not be found, and an Exception will be
> thrown. This issue is already open in your JIRA as SAAJ-59 and a patch for
> this problem exists (but not yet applied), so I won't provide our
> workaround. However, please see the attached "missing-angle-brackets.txt"
> for a simple example of the problem. And I believe this is not valid MIME
> but we have seen this problem quite a bit.
> Will apply the fix soon.
> 2. This next problem only occurs when "saaj.mime.optimization" is turned
> off (so Javamail is used for MIME parsing), but the problem is in SAAJ not
> JavaMail. When "start" is specified in the document's Content-Type , and
> one of the parts does not have a Content-ID header, a NullPointerException
> will be thrown. That is, when the "start" is specified, the code assumes
> each part has a Content-ID. We don't see this problem often because usually
> in a multipart-related each part will has a Content-ID to allow the parts to
> be "related". However, MIME parts can also be referenced through
> Content-Location instead of Content-ID, and that's when the problem can crop
> up Please note again that this code path is only followed when
> "saaj.mime.optimization" is set to false, but the problem is in the SAAJ
> code, not JavaMail. I've attached an example in "missing-cid.txt" and a
> patch in "MessageImpl.java.missing-cid.patch".
> OK.
> 3. An Exception will be thrown when "saaj.mime.optimization" is set to true
> and there are extra whitespace characters after a MIME boundary (and before
> the CR LF). The example is in "extra-boundary-white-space.txt". We fixed
> it by setting "saaj.mime.optimization" to false (and using JavaMail for MIME
> parsing), so I don't have a patch.
> I shall fix this one.
> The next few issues were identified while parsing examples from various
> notes/specs, such as http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP-attachments. They are less
> critical, because we haven't seen the problems with real SOAP clients yet,
> so I haven't created fixes. But the operative word is "yet".
> 1. In the document Content-Type, an exception is thrown when the "type"
> parameter's value (e.g text/xml) is not surrounded by quotes. The code sees
> the "/" as a delimiter and interprets the value as three separate tokens
> ("text" "/" "xml" ). Please see the attached "missing-quotes.txt" for an
> example. I'm not sure if this is valid MIME or not.
> This is bad, there is no need to surround the type parameter in quotes. I
> shall fix this.
> 2. The Content-Type is not interpreted properly when upper case characters
> are used (e.g "Multipart/Related"). I've concocted an example in
> "mixed-case-content-type.txt", where the "start" parameter in the
> Content-Type is ignored. This causes an Exception when the first part is not
> the start/SOAP part.
> Matching of media type and subtype should be case insensitive. Will fix
> it.
> Your .txt however is not using mixed case : Content-Type:
> multipart/related
> 3. In folded or wrapped MIME headers, only the first line is being
> recognized In the attached "folded-content-type.txt", I've concocted
> another example where the start parameter in the Content-Type is ignored.
> And again this causes an Exception when the SOAP part is not the first part.
> We do have a MimeUtility class that can handle folding and unfolding of
> headers. Looks like we are not using it for the Content-Type. Will look into
> it.
> If you prefer, I can also submit these issues into your JIRA.
> Ultimately i need to have bugs for all these so i can get them integrated
> to various releases. I can file the bugs myself with the info you have
> provided.
> Finally, I have some questions:
> 1. From what I understand, the SAAJ Standard Implementation is incorporated
> into many projects. It's incorporated into Project Metro, which is used by
> Glassfish, which then gets pulled into the OpenJDK. And I can tell that the
> SUN JDK SAAJ version is very similar, maybe even almost identical, to the
> SAAJ Standard Implementation, but they are not totally the same. So what is
> the relationship between SAAJ standard implementation and the SAAJ version
> packaged in the SUN JDK? And how soon can we expect bug fixes made in the
> SAAJ Standard Implementation to be pulled into SUN JDK releases and/or
> OpenJDK releases. How soon can we expect a stable stand-alone release of
> the Standard Implementation that incorporates these fixes?
> I can do a stable standalone release and publish to maven as soon as i am
> done. Integrating to Glassfish will happen soon as well though it will be
> integrated into Trunk of GlassFish. Integrating to JDK 6 Update releases
> and JDK7 will take a little longer since they have longer uptake cycles.
> 2. Since SAAJ is built into Sun JDK 6, we've been dropping the SAAJ
> Standard Implementation into our lib/endorsed directory. And we also
> overrode the SAAJ implementation by setting properties such as
> "javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory", "javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory",
> "javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory". Are there any other ways to
> incorporate the SAAJ Standard Implementation into a JDK 6/7 application?
> The endorsed mechanism is the only way when you want to use a different
> impl.
> Thanks again for the feedback, i shall work on making a stable standalone
> release with these fixes soon. And try to get them into the next JDK6/7
> cycles.
> regards,
> kumar
> Keep up the good work and thank you!
> Brian Joh
> Software Engineer
> Twitter Mobile
> http://twitter.com/brianwjoh <http://www.twitter.com/brianwjoh>
> <missing-angle-brackets.txt><missing-cid.txt>
> <MessageImpl.java.missing-cid.patch><extra-boundary-white-space.txt>
> <missing-quotes.txt><mixed-case-content-type.txt><folded-content-type.txt>