Hi All,
Some of the users have reported performance issues with SAAJ for
large Payloads. In particular a Payload Size of 4MB was taking about
10-13 minutes for SAAJ to construct the SOAP Body.
Who are Affected :
All SAAJ User's, All JAXRPC User's, All XWSS 2.0 user's, All GlassFish
Message Security Provider User's and Metro users (who have SOAPHandlers
in their applications OR are using <sc:DisableStreamingSecurity/> ) will
gain significantly by incorporating this Fix.
What was the Issue :
https://jaxp.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=48 . It turned out
to be an issue in Xalan.
Where is the Fix available :
How to Incorporate the Fix :
Please read the comments in the issue
https://jaxp.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=48). The Fix will
eventually be incorporated into update releases of JDK 5/6 so look out
for them and update your JDK's. Untill then here is the way to get this
fix :
1. Download JAXP_14_Nightly.jar from the above link
2. Run : java -jar JAXP_14_Nightly.jar
3. Accept the License Pop-Up
4. cd jaxp-1_4-2008020x/lib
5. create a directory named "endorsed" inside your JDK's "jre/lib"
6 cp jaxp-api.jar jaxp-ri.jar <java.home>/jre/lib/endorsed
Note : After the fix the execution time for a 4MB payload reduces to