Re: [SAAJ-USR] SAAJ v1.2 VS SAAJ v1.3

From: V B Kumar Jayanti <Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 16:51:38 +0530

Not sure, i will investigate or see if there is some other way you can
write your code and get back. If you get some more info what the issue
is let me know.


Paulo Carvalho wrote:

> Thanks for your answer.
> I resolved that problem.
> My webservice project had the SAAJ 1.2 jar files but had anotther JAR
> file which had SAAJ class files embebed (dont know which version). I
> removed these SAAJ files from that JAR file and it worked. I think
> that was a conflict between SAAJ class files.
> However I steal have another little problem (maybe it is a bug of SAAJ
> 1.2 which has been resolved with SAAJ 1.3 ?).
> The problem is the next one:
> My client project uses and my webservice projects uses now the SAAJ
> 1.2 files release.
> The SOAP message sent to the webservice have a PDF attachment file
> with a size of 73kb.
> When the webservice receives the file it only stores a part of the
> file (making it corrupt of course).
> The code of the client to create the attachment:
> ...
> AttachmentPart pdfAttach = message.createAttachmentPart();
> FileDataSource file = new FileDataSource("d:/x.pdf");
> DataHandler pdfDH = new DataHandler(file);
> pdfAttach.setDataHandler(pdfDH);
> message.addAttachmentPart(pdfAttach);
> ...
> The code of the webservice to process the attachment:
> ...
> Iterator itAttachs = message.getAttachments();
> int i=1;
> while(itAttachs.hasNext()) {
> String sFileName = "d:/x" + new Integer(i).toString() + ".pdf";
> AttachmentPartImpl attach = (AttachmentPartImpl);
> DataHandler dh = attach.getDataHandler();
> InputStream is = dh.getInputStream();
> FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(sFileName));
> byte buffer[] = new byte[512*1024];
> int nbRead;
> while( (nbRead = != -1 ) {
> fos.write(buffer, 0, nbRead);
> }
> fos.close();
> is.close();
> i++;
> }
> ...
> When I use SAAJ 1.3 (with the same client and webservice code), the
> file is correctly transfered.
> Am I doing anything wrong?
> Thanks for your help.
> On 1/31/08, *V B Kumar Jayanti* <
> <>> wrote:
> Paulo Carvalho wrote:
>> Hi mr. Jayanti,
>> You are right, I am sorry. I didn't a wrong manipulation with the
>> used libraries so nevermind the last message I send.
>> The problem is in fact like I said but the error is the following:
>> compile-single:
>> 31-Jan-2008 15:56:14 com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl
>> identifyContentType
>> SEVERE: SAAJ0537: Invalid Content-Type. Could be an error
>> message instead of a SOAP message
>> 31-Jan-2008 15:56:14 com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl
>> <init>
>> SEVERE: SAAJ0535: Unable to internalize message
>> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl:
>> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Unable to
>> internalize message
>> at
>> at TstSAAJ.main(
>> This error hapens when the client and the webservices projects
>> have the SAAJ 1.2.2 library release (from JWSDP1.6).
>> If both projects use SAAJ 1.3 library release or if the client
>> project use SAAJ 1.2.2 and webservice project use SAAJ 1.3
>> release, everything works fine.
>> Did I explain weel the problem?
> We do not release SAAJ 1.2 updates anymore, it is in maintenance
> mode and only customer escalations are handled. But maybe you can
> send me the SOAP Message and i can take a look to see what is
> going wrong.
> Thanks.
>> Thanks
>> On 1/31/08, *V B Kumar Jayanti* <
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi Paulo,
>> Paulo Carvalho wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I dowloaded JWSDP 1.5 and JWSDP1.6.
>>> JWSDP 1.5 comes with the SAAJ 1.2.1_01 release.
>>> JWSDP 1.6 comes with the SAAJ 1.2.2 release.
>>> 1 - When I have the SAAJ 1.3 libraries on client and
>>> webservice projects everything works fine.
>>> 2 - When I have the SAAJ 1.2.2 release on client project and
>>> SAAJ 1.3 release on webservice project, eveything works fine
>>> 3 - Finally, when I have the SAAJ 1.2.2 libraries on both
>>> projets, I steal have an error, but not the same one. In
>>> that way, le client reachs the webservice. The error is the
>>> next one and hapens when the web service tries to get the
>>> body of the SOAP message:
>>> The error happens when the webservice calls the getSOAPBody():
>>> public SOAPMessage onMessage(SOAPMessage message) {
>>> ...
>>> if(message != null) {
>>> ...
>>> SOAPBody inBodyMsg = message.getSOAPBody();
>>> ...
>>> Error description:
>>> INFO: Server startup in 6718 ms
>>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>>> at
>>> org.apache.axis2.saaj.SOAPMessageImpl.getSOAPBody(
>>> at crpgl.InfoWSSAAJ.onMessage(
>> I am very confused now, the class
>> org.apache.axis2.saaj.SOAPMessageImpl does not belong to
>> Sun's SAAJ impl at all. It is an Apache SAAJ Impl class.
>> regards.
>>> Any idea/suggestion of the cause/solution for this error?
>>> Thanks
>>> On 1/31/08, *Paulo Carvalho* <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> Thank you for your reply.
>>> No errors appends while deploying my webservice and I
>>> can access to is WSDL with no problem using IE.
>>> Since I am using the SAAJ jar files which were delivered
>>> with the jwsdp-1.3, I'm gonna try to get the JWSDP 1.5
>>> or 1.6 version to see if the version is the SAAJ 1.2 and
>>> if the error persists.
>>> Thanks
>>> Best regards
>>> On 1/31/08, *V B Kumar Jayanti* <
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Paulo Carvalho wrote:
>>>> Hello
>>>> I am having a stange problem using SAAJ 1.2 (which
>>> I had installing
>>>> jwsdp-1.3 because I can't find anywhere any release
>>> of SAAJ 1.2).
>>>> Here is the problem. I have a client which sends a
>>> SOAP message with
>>>> an attachment to a WebService.
>>>> 1 - When my client project and my webservice
>>> project have the
>>>> saaj-api.jar and saaj-impl.jar files of SAAJ 1.3
>>> release, everything
>>>> works fine.
>>>> 2 - When my client project have the saaj-api.jar
>>> and saaj-impl.jar
>>>> files of SAAJ 1.2 release and my webservice project
>>> have the
>>>> saaj-api.jar and saaj-impl.jar files of SAAJ 1.3
>>> release, everything
>>>> works fine
>>>> 3 - When my client project and my webservice
>>> project have the
>>>> saaj-api.jar and saaj-impl.jar files of SAAJ 1.2
>>> release, the
>>>> following error occurs:
>>>> 31-Jan-2008 10:41:56
>>>> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl
>>> identifyContentType
>>>> SEVERE: SAAJ0537: Invalid Content-Type. Could be an
>>> error message
>>>> instead of a SOAP message
>>>> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid
>>>> Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message
>>> instead of a SOAP
>>>> response?
>>>> at
>>>> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl.identifyContentType(
>>>> at
>>>> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl.<init>(
>>>> at
>>>> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1.Message1_1Impl.<init>(
>>>> ...
>>> This kind of an error generally means there was a
>>> problem in deploying
>>> your webService or that your WebService was not
>>> initialized properly can
>>> you check your server logs. Are you able to access
>>> the WSDL of the
>>> service using a Browser.
>>> A lot of bugs which were in SAAJ 1.2 have been fixed
>>> in SAAJ 1.3 so it
>>> may be that you are hitting some bug when using SAAJ
>>> 1.2.
>>> The latest SAAJ 1.2 will be in JWSDP 1.5 or 1.6 i
>>> believe.
>>> regards,
>>> kumar
>>>> 3.1 - To be more specific (I found that
>>> trying to figure out
>>>> what was the problem), when my client project have
>>> the saaj-api.jar
>>>> and saaj-impl.jar files of SAAJ 1.2 and my
>>> webservice project have the
>>>> saaj-api.jar of SAAJ 1.3 release and have the
>>> saaj-impl.jar file from
>>>> SAAJ 1.2 release, everything works fine!
>>>> Any help about this strange problem is very welcome!
>>>> Regards
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