[jta-spec users] Re: latest (and hopefully final) spec and javadoc uploaded

From: Paul Parkinson <>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2013 20:31:04 -0400

Hello Ian,

Thanks so much. It was a pleasure working with you as always.

Mike Keith's eagle eye noticed a few formatting and typo type issues listed below. They probably could've been pushed to the next release but I figured we've gotten this far, we may as well do the extra cleanup now.

Unless I hear otherwise the rev I've just uploaded (which I'll send out a separate post/email on) will be the final.

Cheers and hooray for JTA 1.2 (JTA 1.3 and ordered resource commit here we come ;-) )...

Overall - "transaction manager" capitalization is inconsistent. Sometimes it is capitalized and sometimes not. Same goes for "resource manager".

Pg 8 - lookup example - lookup throws a checked NamingException that must be either handled or declared

Pg 13 - the bullets at the top of the page are actually micro question marks???!

Pg 15 - Figure lists old versions of JDBC and JMS - should not be any versions there

Pg 18 - 6th line - "multiple method invocation" - should be pluralized

Pg 19 - State transition diagram - Not sure why recover() is there

Pg 21 - code example - // dissociate xid1 to ... -> *disassociate* xid1 *from* ...

Pg 22 - "Failures Recovery" heading - should not be pluralized

Pg 22 - "representing each of the Resource Manager" - should be pluralized

Pg 24 - code sample - xid1NewBranch variable was not declared with a type

Pg 30 - code sample - Kind of an awkward example because the test bean is injected but the UserTransaction and TransactionManager are not. I know that CDI supports injection of UT, so it could have an @Inject
on it, but I don't think CDI supports injecting the TM.
 - The declared variable "Transaction transaction" gets assigned the suspended tx, but later on in the code we see "resume(tx)"
 - line: "// tx2 committed, assert notransaction scope is active" - need a space for "no transaction"
 - line: "// tx1 commit, assert no transactionscope is active"- need a space for "transaction scope"
 - line: "should have thrownContextNotActiveException" - need a space for "thrown ContextNotActiveException"

Pg 34 - figure - shows a Java Application obtaining a resource using "javax.tbd.getResource". This is invalid and should just be replaced with some words like "look up resource" or "get resource from factory", or something

Pg 35 - First line - "The code sample below illustrate..." - should be pluralized
          - NamingException not handled from lookup method

- section 4.2, 1. "... annotated with Transactional(TxType.REQUIRED) ..." - missing @

On Mar 29, 2013, at 10:47 AM, Ian Robinson wrote:

> Hi Paul - this looks good to me. I have no further comments on this draft.
> Thanks, and nice job in getting it there.
> Regards,
> Ian
> From: Paul Parkinson <>
> To:,
> Cc: Joseph Bergmark <>, Bill Shannon <>, Kevin Sutter <>
> Date: 27/03/2013 16:20
> Subject: [jta-spec users] latest (and hopefully final) spec and javadoc uploaded
> Unless stated otherwise above:
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