Hi Przemyslaw,
thank you for the comments. The Early Draft went already public in the
meantime, though will use your feedback when making updates. That is the
main purpose of ED - to get feedback from larger community, so I'm sure
there will be more of it.
On 20/08/15 08:50, Przemyslaw Bielicki wrote:
> Hi Martin(s),
> I read the latest draft and I have few small comments.
> In the latest draft there is a small numbering issue, I think:"3.17.1
> Type resolution algorithm" should be "3.16.1" -> just under "3.16
> Generics", instead of "3.17 Big numbers".
> Also, in "3.18 Must-Ignore policy" I would rephrase it like this "When
> JSON Binding implementation *during unmarshalling* encounters key in
> key/value pair that it does not recognize [...]". Must-Ignore policy
> applies only to unmarshalling, right?
> Missing new line between 1. and 2. in "4.1.4 Property names resolution".
> I noticed that in the "Default Mapping" part you use
> marshalling/unmarshalling while in the "Customized Mapping" you switch
> to serializing/deserializing. I think we should stick to only one pair
> of words, not to confuse readers.
> Cheers,
> Przemyslaw
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Martin Grebac
> <martin.grebac_at_oracle.com <mailto:martin.grebac_at_oracle.com>> wrote:
> Dear Experts,
> we reached a point in the specification where we are ready to
> open and receive more feedback by releasing an Early Draft of the
> spec. The current plan is to submit the Early Draft to JCP by the
> end of next week, it will take additional few weeks to fulfill the
> JCP needs and get it posted to JCP site.
> You may have noted an update to the JSR schedule [1]. Based on
> that we might be able to fit second Early Draft release before end
> of the year.
> As usual, the specification document is available at [2], sources
> with documentation at [3].
> Thanks for all feedback and contributions,
> MartiNG
> [1] https://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=367
> [2]
> https://java.net/projects/jsonb-spec/sources/git/content/spec/spec.pdf
> [3] https://java.net/projects/jsonb-spec/sources/git/show/api
Martin Grebac, SW Engineering Manager
Oracle Czech, Prague