Re: JSFtemplating/Woodstock Setup problem?

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 09:50:44 -0800

No, your HTML-enabled email client won't render the contents correctly.  You should be able to do a "save as" on the attachment in my original email to save the full contents of the file.  Let me know if this doesn't work.


Ken Paulsen

Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
The mh.jsf file that you attached only has the following content:

bundle="com.sun.webui.jsf.example.resources.Resources"); />
// Removed, see above
/* * Facets have a different syntax in JSFTemplating,
the following * is the old syntax for the facet defined above left here
for * comparison purposes. * *  *  *  */
// Note the use of a double quote before any line that should be
// rendered directly to the output stream.

Is this correct?


Ken Paulsen wrote On 12/12/06 18:57,:
Hi Karam,

I'm cc'ing the dev alias... I hope that's OK w/ you.

Attached are the before and after pages for Masthead.jsp.  Some things 
to note... JSFTemplating allows Object types which can be expressed via 
EL expressions (either $something{something} or #{something} 
expressions).  It also does not do any type conversion from property 
values automatically (it may in the future, but doesn't now).  So 
attributes like "immediate" that expect a boolean need to look like:


You'll see a couple of these changes in the mh.jsf.  Also, the Woodstock 
components in JSFTemplating have a "sun:" prefix.  This is mostly b/c we 
defined this before woodstock defined what they were going to use (it 
was "ui:" which conflicted w/ another component set when we defined 
it).  So you'll notice that all "webuijsf:" prefixes are changed to 
"sun:".  I removed the "f:view" tags which are needed for JSP b/c JSP 
isn't exclusively a JSF format, these aren't needed for JSFTemplating.  
Facets look different, I made a comment in the new file showing this.  
Loading resources is also different (done via a handler), I also 
demonstrated this.

Their example uses property files and managed beans that aren't in my 
environment... the page still comes up for me, but may not function 
correctly b/c these are missing.  If you add them or change them to your 
own code it should work.  A note about processing buttons... they do:


You can also do this.  However, JSFTemplating has an additional feature 
(one of its biggest features) which allows you to do this instead:

       println("Hello World!");
       setSessionAttribute(key="foo" value="bar");

These are calls to "Handlers" which is where you can place your custom 
business logic.  You can then re-use these anywhere you'd like, and of 
course you can use the built-in handlers as well (like those above).  
This often eliminates the need for a managed bean (Java code) completely.

I hope this helps!


Karam Singh Badesha wrote:

Hi Ken/Anissa,
I got a simple example working. So thats good. With woodstock 
components there is example.war file in which there are bunch of 
example files. Now is it possible to just take any one of them, say 
example/faces/masthead/Masthead.jsp and show how it will look using 
jsftemplating (actual code). Because when I look at the example code 
in the Masthead.jsp file, there are lot of things there and I don't 
know what would be the equivalent of that using jsftemplating. Is 
there something I can look at to understand this more.


Ken Paulsen wrote:

Hi Karam,

Did you put it in the WEB-INF directory or the WEB-INF/lib 
directory?  The "jasper" message you are getting seems to indicate 
that you are using JSP's, which should not be the case of 
JSFTemplating files (which is what you have below).

Your directory structure should look like this in your web application:

/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml (optional)
/WEB-INF/lib/dataprovider.jar (woodstock requirement)
/WEB-INF/lib/json.jar (woodstock requirement in newest version... I 
/WEB-INF/lib/webui-jsf (woodstock)
/WEB-INF/lib/webui-jsf-suntheme.jar (woodstock)
/WEB-INF/lib/jsftemplating.jar (jsftemplating)
/WEB-INF/lib/jsftemplating-dynafaces-0.1.jar (new jsftemplating 

I "think" that's all that's required.

Just yesterday I integrated with Ed Burn's "Dynamic Faces" project.  
This introduced "jsftemplating-dynafaces-0.1.jar" as a requirement to 
work with the "tip" of JSFTemplating.  There is a branch prior to 
this integration called "JSF1_1" which does not have this 
requirement.  It also works with JSF 1.1, JSF 1.2 will be a 
requirement going forward.  I hope to remove the requirement to 
include the Dynamic Faces .jar files, but until I can get Ed to make 
some changes this will continue.

If this doesn't help you get going, you can send me your web 
application and I can take a look to see what might be causing the 
problem.  Also, you may find the "demo" application on the 
JSFTemplating site may be a good example to see what is required in 
the app... esp. wrt the build environment (it has ant build.xml files 
that are already setup to compile with "apt", etc.).

Good luck!


P.S.   Unless there is Sun confidential information, please feel free 
to use the "" email alias.  There are 
others inside Sun and outside that may provide additional help... or 
your question may help someone else experiencing the same problems! 
;)  If you haven't already subscribed to that alias you may want to 
do that by going here:

Karam Singh Badesha wrote:

Here is my first problem just setting up the netbeans env. I have 
copied all the woodstock jar files and jsftemplating jar files into 
the WEB-INF folder and there are no problems in building the 
following code from jsftemplating website:
      <sun:head title="Pick A Number" />
              <sun:textField label="Pick a Number:" 
text="#{requestScope.num}" />
              <staticText value="<br />You picked: 
#{requestScope.num}<br />" />
              <sun:button text="OK" />

And here is the exception I get.

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /index.jsp(6,62) #{...} not 
allowed in a template text body.

Is there a page which describes how to debug in this environment?



<jsp:root version="2.0" 

< contentType="text/html" /> 
 <webuijsf:page id="page2" >
   <webuijsf:html id="html2" >
     <f:loadBundle basename="com.sun.webui.jsf.example.resources.Resources" var="msgs" />
       <webuijsf:head id="head2" title="#{msgs.masthead_title}">
         <webuijsf:link rel="shortcut icon" url="/images/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
       <webuijsf:body id="body2" >
           <webuijsf:form id="form2">
             <!-- Masthead with Attributes -->
             <webuijsf:masthead id="masthead" serverInfo="#{MastheadBean.server}" userInfo="#{MastheadBean.user}" 
                          dateTime="true" notificationMsg="#{msgs.masthead_notificationmsg}" jobCount="0"
                          productImageURL="/images/example_primary_masthead.png" productImageDescription="#{msgs.mastheadAltText}"
                          alarmCounts="#{MastheadBean.alarms}" >
               <!-- Utility Bar Facets -->
               <f:facet name="consoleLink" >
                 <webuijsf:hyperlink id="hyp1" toolTip="#{msgs.masthead_consoleLink}"
                               actionExpression="#{MastheadBean.consolePage1Clicked}" immediate="true" />
               <f:facet name="versionLink" >
                 <webuijsf:hyperlink  id="hyp2" onClick="javascript: var versionWin ='/example/faces/masthead/Version.jsp', 'VersionWindow','scrollbars,resizable,
                                width=650,height=500,top='+((screen.height - (screen.height/1.618)) - (500/2))+',left='+((screen.width-650)/2) ); versionWin.focus();
                                if(window.focus){versionWin.focus();} " immediate="true"
                                toolTip="#{msgs.masthead_versionLink}" actionExpression="#{MastheadBean.versionPage1Clicked}"/>
               <f:facet name="logoutLink">
                 <webuijsf:hyperlink id="hyp3" actionExpression="#{MastheadBean.logoutPage1Clicked}" toolTip="#{msgs.masthead_logoutLink}" immediate="true" />
               <f:facet name="helpLink" >
                 <webuijsf:hyperlink id="hyp4" actionExpression="#{MastheadBean.helpPage1Clicked}" toolTip="#{msgs.masthead_helpLink}" immediate="true" />
             <!-- Breadcrumbs -->
             <webuijsf:breadcrumbs id="breadcrumbs">
               <webuijsf:hyperlink id="hyp5" actionExpression="#{IndexBean.showIndex}" text="#{msgs.exampleTitle}"
                             toolTip="#{msgs.index_title}" immediate="true"
                             onMouseOver="javascript:window.status='#{msgs.index_breadcrumbMouseOver}'; return true"
                             onMouseOut="javascript:window.status=''; return true"/>
               <webuijsf:hyperlink id="hyp6" actionExpression="#{MastheadBean.goToMastheadIndex}" 
                             text="#{msgs.masthead_title}" toolTip="#{msgs.masthead_titleToolTip}"
                             onMouseOver="javascript:window.status='#{msgs.masthead_breadcrumbMouseOver}'; return true"
                             onMouseOut="javascript:window.status=''; return true" immediate="true"/>
               <webuijsf:hyperlink id="hyp7" text="#{msgs.masthead_masthead1Title}" />
             <!-- Alert -->              
             <webuijsf:alert id="message" type="information" summary="#{MastheadBean.message}" rendered="#{MastheadBean.isRendered1}" />
             <!-- Page Title -->
             <webuijsf:contentPageTitle id="pagetitle" title="#{msgs.masthead_pageTitle1}" helpText="#{msgs.masthead_helpText1}" />
             <div class="ConMgn_sun4"> 
             <!-- Hyperlink to Popup window with Secondary Masthead -->
             <webuijsf:hyperlink  id="hyperlinkpopup" text="#{msgs.masthead_link}" toolTip="#{msgs.masthead_linkToolTip}" immediate="true"
                            onClick="javascript: var popupWin ='/example/faces/masthead/Popup.jsp','PopUpWindow','scrollbars,resizable,width=650,
                            height=500,top='+((screen.height - (screen.height/1.618)) - (500/2))+',left='+((screen.width-650)/2) ); popupWin.focus();
                            if(window.focus){popupWin.focus();} return false;" />                           


bundle="com.sun.webui.jsf.example.resources.Resources"); /> //
Removed, see above /* * Facets have a different syntax in
JSFTemplating, the following * is the old syntax for the facet
defined above left here for * comparison purposes. * * * * */ //
Note the use of a double quote before any line that should be //
rendered directly to the output stream. "