Hi Anissa,
There was a bug (not sure how I missed it before). The required
actionListener was not being registered because the factory doesn't know
about the "command" events. These events get added after the factory is
done processing... normally this would happen in the factory. So I
added the code to add the required ActionListener that will dispatch the
command events:
((ActionSource) link).addActionListener(
See below for more of your answers...
Anissa Lam wrote:
> My goal is that when a user clicks on a dynamic tree node, it will
> navigate to a page depending on the display name of this dynamic
> node. eg. If the web application node has a display name being
> 'hello', i would like to navigate to a page
> "applications/webAppEdit.jsf?webapp=hello"
> I was thinking to write a handler that will go through the UI
> components and get the name of this dynamic tree node, ie, 'hello'.
> The handler will then output the url of the page to navigate to.
> Is this a right approach to do the task ?
Yes, I think something along these lines will work very well.
> My problem is that the handler was never called, am i using the
> correct syntax ? I thought the <!childCommand> shouldn't be inside
> an <event> tag.
The <event> tag isn't useful for !command events (for now). Command
events are only applicable to ActionSource components and at this time
<event> is not one. The problem was what I described above... not your
> Also, if you can show me the code segment to get the display name of
> the selected dynamic tree code, that will help a lot.
This is one area where the JSFTemplating project really shines! The
$this{component} will give you the component that you clicked on. You
can combine this with JSF's EL to walk the component attributes to get
any information you want on the component. Here's an example:
setAttribute(key="clickid" value="$this{clientId}");
setAttribute(key="click" value="$this{component}");
println(value="Clicked Component ID: #{clickid}");
println(value="Clicked Component: #{click}");
println(value="Clicked Component id: #{click.parent.id}");
The first setAttribute() demonstrates $this{clientId} which is a quick
way to directly get the clientId. You can do this same for $this{id}.
The 2nd setAttribute() shows how to get the UIComponent that was clicked
on: $this{component}. The println's are for debugging purposes showing
how you can access these values and pass them to handlers for further
processing. Notice that I use JSF EL to walk the UIComponent to get its
parent and then get its parent ID. In this case, this is similar to
what you might want to do.
Now, if you'd prefer not to search the log file for you debugging
information, here's how I often do the debugging:
<staticText value="Clicked Component ID: #{clickid} <br />" />
<staticText value="Clicked Component: #{click} <br />" />
<staticText value="Clicked Component id: #{click.parent.id}
<br />" />
This is the same information as the println()'s except that it is shown
in the browser. I put this right after the tree. I've attached my test
file for you to try out.
I hope this helps!!
> Here is how my .jsf file looks like:
> <dynamicTreeNode id="webApplications"
> treeAdaptorClass="com.sun.enterprise.tools.admingui.tree.MBeanTreeAdaptor"
> objectName="com.sun.appserv:type=applications,category=config"
> methodName="getAllDeployedWebModules"
> text="$resource{i18n.tree.WebApps}"
> url="../admingui/webApplications"
> imageURL="images/folder.gif"
> target="main"
> expanded="$boolean{false}"
> attributeName="name"
> childImageURL="images/webModule.gif"
> childTarget="main"
> childExpanded="$boolean{false}"
> >
> *<!childCommand
> println(value="!!! childCommand !!!");
> getNavigateURL(editPage="applications/webAppEdit",
> url=>$attribute(url));
> navigate(page=$attribute(url));
> />*
> <!filterTree filterSystemApps() />
> </dynamicTreeNode>
> Thanks
> Anissa.
<sun:page id="page">
setResourceBundle(key="i18n" bundle="com.sun.enterprise.tools.admingui.resources.Strings")
<sun:html id="html">
<sun:head id="head" title="$resource{i18n.peTree}" />
<sun:form id="form">
<sun:tree id="tree"
getUIComponent(clientId="form:tree", component=>$attribute{treeComp});
setUIComponentProperty(component="$attribute{treeComp}", property="selected", value="form:tree:applicationServer:selectMe");
<!-- ===================================== Application Server ====================== -->
<sun:treeNode id="applicationServer"
<sun:treeNode id="selectMe" text="Select Me" />
<sun:treeNode id="notMe" text="Not Me" />
<sun:treeNode id="orMe" text="Or Me" />
<dynamicTreeNode id="webApplications"
println(value="FILTER... HELLO WORLD!");
setAttribute(key="clickid" value="$this{clientId}");
setAttribute(key="click" value="$this{component}");
println(value="Clicked Component ID: #{clickid}");
println(value="Clicked Component: #{click}");
println(value="Clicked Component id: #{click.parent.id}");
<staticText value="Clicked Component ID: #{clickid} <br />" />
<staticText value="Clicked Component: #{click} <br />" />
<staticText value="Clicked Component id: #{click.parent.id} <br />" />