jsf-extensions mail list and Maven

From: Kenneth Suter <Kenneth.Suter_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 09:39:43 -0500


I see frequent references to the users_at_jsf-extensions mailing list on
the Woodstock mail list. However, the 'new' JSF Extensions site on does not make mention of this list instead mentioning that the
best place for support is the Java forums. Is this email list still
active? If so why is it not advertised on the JSF Extensions site?

Also I am curious as to the status of the jsf-extension jars in the Maven repository which do not seem to be present. When I refer
to the Woodstock artifacts using Maven I get missing artifact errors for
the JSF Extension jars. Is there another repository I don't know about?

