Re: Problems with DynaFaces.fireAjaxTransaction

From: Roger Kitain <Roger.Kitain_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:46:18 -0400

Ok... then how about the relevant stuff that I can mimick with a simplified
application? Are the links on your nav bar commandLinks?
So maybe start by sending the jsp page(s) that is causing the problem..


Scott wrote:
> Roger,
> If that's what it is going to take to resolve this, it might take me a
> few days to put together. This is serious enough to warrant the
> effort. Right now my application comes bundled with the Girl, the
> Gold Watch and Everything ( old movie, sorry, dating myself here ). I
> would have to transfer all the applicable resources to a separate
> project and try to reproduce it on a micro scale.
> I will try to do this and get back to you. And thanks!
> Scott
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Roger Kitain <Roger.Kitain_at_Sun.COM>
> To:
> Cc:; ed Burns <Ed.Burns_at_Sun.COM>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2007 8:38:08 AM
> Subject: Re: Problems with DynaFaces.fireAjaxTransaction
> Hi Scott -
> Any chance you can provide a war (contianig jsp's, beans, etc..)
> for your application (if it's not too big)?
> Thanks, Roger.
> Scott wrote:
> > I've been quite successful in creating a JSF application (1.2) using
> > the jsf extensions to dynamically call and render portions of my jsf
> > pages.
> >
> > So far so good.
> >
> > But I am having trouble on one of my pages. My navigation bar works
> > just as it should, bringing me to various places in my application.
> > Each link refreshes the entire page.
> >
> > I have narrowed my issue to the moment after I fire a dynamic ajax
> > transaction, that thereafter, my navigation renders a only a portion
> > of the page I am leaving from. The page renders a Dojo notebook, and
> > the DynaFaces transaction updates a portion of the notebook page.
> > When I try to navigate away from the whole page althogether, instead
> > of going away, the JSF servlet returns the notebook page as the whole
> > page without the surrounding notebook, and the page elements
> > surrounding the notebook. Something in the DynaFaces request has
> > caused the servlet to go into a partial state.
> >
> > This is an example of a control that causes this problem. I have two
> > other examples from other tab panes that cause the exact same problem
> > to occur, but this is just one:
> >
> > <h:selectOneListbox id="groupListBox"
> > value="#{groupsBean.selectedGroup}"
> > style="width:275px;height:309px"
> > valueChangeListener="#{groupsBean.groupSelected}"
> > onchange="DynaFaces.fireAjaxTransaction(this, {
> > execute: 'groupListBox',
> > render: 'selectedGroupName',
> > immediate: true}); return false;"
> > <f:selectItems value="#{groupsBean.groupItems}" />
> > </h:selectOneListbox>
> >
> > This is calling a ValueChangeListener in the groupsBean, then
> > rendering a portion of the page in response. It works too, only that
> > after calling this once, my navigation is ruined.
> >
> > This even has its own form. The form I'm posting with for navigation
> > is a different one, but I feel that this call must be affecting what
> > is posted and how by the other form. I've looked at the http headers
> > when navigation works and after the DynaFaces call when it no longer
> > works. I can't see any difference.
> >
> > This is a pretty major bug ( in my code I'm assuming, of course ).
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any help you can give,
> >
> > Scott
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