[jpa-spec users] Re: JPA_SPEC-109: Allow AttributeConverters to be CDI injectable

From: Lukas Jungmann <>
Date: Wed, 3 May 2017 18:21:01 +0200


    Thank you for the suggestion (...and typos), Arjan. I'll try to
incorporate this into 2.2 if time permits.


On 4/26/17 10:20 PM, arjan tijms wrote:
> Hi,
> Big +1 for this. After repeating annotations this is probably the
> lowest hangest fruit ;)
> />An attribute converter is a non-contextual object. In supporting
> injection into attribute converter, the persistence//
> //provider must behave as if it carries out the following steps
> involving the use of the CDI SPI./
> In JSF 2.3 (referenced from the issue), we bit the bullet and went a
> step further; the entire converter is a CDI managed bean and the
> runtime only fetches it from CDI, without putting any demands on the
> JSF runtime (everything is managed by CDI). Backwards compatibility is
> ensured by treating the existing @Converter annotation as a qualifier
> and introducing a new attribute for it that we use to select on.
> If such bean is not returned by CDI, we proceed in the old way.
> For an example in code, see the RI implementation:
> By doing it this way, you get all additional CDI features such as
> interceptors, decorators, bean enablement (alternatives, priority,
> etc) for free as well.
> Other than that, I spotted a number of typos in the text, mostly to do
> with articles. E.g:
> > If the CDI is not enabled, the persistence provider must not invoke
> attribute converter
> that depend upon CDI injection.
> If CDI is not enabled, the persistence provider must not invoke an
> attribute converter
> that depends upon CDI injection.
> Hope this helps ;)
> Kind regards,
> Arjan Tijms
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 8:23 PM, Lukas Jungmann
> < <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> In JPA 2.1, injection support has been added to instances of
> EntityListeners. Another candidates for injection support are
> instances of AttributeConverter[1] interface. I'd like to propose
> adding following text to the section 3.8 Type Conversion of Basic
> Attributes. The text itself is almost identical to the one in
> section 3.5.1 Entity Listeners covering injection handling in
> listeners in the JPA 2.1 spec (with s/Entity listener/Attribute
> converter/g applied).
> /*3.8 *//*Type Conversion of Basic Attributes*/
> ...
> /Attribute converter classes in Java EE environments support
> dependency injection through the Contexts and//
> //Dependency Injection API (CDI) when CDI is enabled. An attribute
> converter class that makes use//
> //of CDI injection may also define life-cycle callback methods
> annotated with the PostConstruct and//
> //PreDestroy annotations. These methods will be invoked after
> injection has taken place and before//
> //the attribute converter instance is destroyed respectively.//
> //
> //The persistence provider is responsible for using the CDI SPI to
> create instances of the attribute converter//
> //class; to perform injection upon such instances; to invoke their
> PostConstruct and PreDestroy//
> //methods, if any; and to dispose of the attribute converter
> instances.//
> //
> //The persistence provider is only required to support CDI
> injection into attribute converter in Java EE container//
> //environments. If the CDI is not enabled, the persistence
> provider must not invoke attribute converter//
> //that depend upon CDI injection.//
> //
> //An attribute converter is a non-contextual object. In supporting
> injection into attribute converter, the persistence//
> //provider must behave as if it carries out the following steps
> involving the use of the CDI SPI.//
> //• Obtain a BeanManager instance.//
> //• Create an AnnotatedType instance for the attribute converter
> class.//
> //• Create an InjectionTarget instance for the annotated type.//
> //• Create a CreationalContext.//
> //• Instantiate the converter by calling the InjectionTarget
> produce method.//
> //• Inject the converter instance by calling the InjectionTarget
> inject method on the//
> //instance.//
> //• Invoke the PostConstruct callback, if any, by calling the
> InjectionTarget postConstruct//
> //method on the instance.//
> /
> /When the converter instance is to be destroyed, the persistence
> provider must behave as if it carries out the//
> //following steps.//
> //• Call the InjectionTarget preDestroy method on the instance.//
> //• Call the InjectionTarget dispose method on the instance//
> //• Call the CreationalContext release method.//
> /
> /Persistence providers may optimize the steps above, e.g. by
> avoiding calls to the actual CDI SPI and//
> //relying on container-specific interfaces instead, as long as the
> outcome is the same.//
> /
> /Attribute converters that do not make use of CDI injection are
> stateless. The life-cycle of such attribute converters//
> //is unspecified./
> Do you think this is fine, something should be corrected or is
> there a reason why this should not be added to JPA 2.2 MR?
> Thank you,
> --lukas
> [1]:
> <>