I was just looking at JPA_SPEC-28 again and was trying to figure out if
using entity graphs would really solve the issue. What I came up with
was a test project(
https://github.com/beikov/JPA_SPEC-28) that tested
the join fetch solution and the entity graph solution.
None of the "compliant" JPA 2.1 providers which seem to be EclipseLink,
Hibernate and Datanucleus support the usage of entity graphs in a way
that it could replace the "proprietary" join fetch syntax. Note that all
mentioned JPA providers support the join fetch aliasing.
The spec does not seem to clearly state what the result should be when
using joins in combination with entity graphs. Therefore I assume that
normal "joins" would effectively become "join fetches". Could anyone
please clarify?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
*Christian Beikov*