[jpa-spec users] [jsr338-experts] Re: two phase approach to creating the EMF, implicit CDI bean manager support ... was :schema generation proposed changes

From: gordon yorke <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 14:07:52 -0300

Hello All,
     The PersistenceProvider instance should remain scoped to the
provider implementation and continue to manage multiple persistence
units. Any persistence provider can easily track the preDeploy call
with the unique persistence unit name.
Creating an additional interface to represent an instance of the
persistence unit creates possible multiple instances of the same
persistence unit which adds unneeded complexity. Also, the additional
interfaces do not provide any functional value and complicate the
interface forcing containers to perform "instance of" checks or perform
calls and check the result to determine if the new interfaces are
supported. Having the PersistenceProvider manage the persistence units
allows the provider to ignore pre-deploy if it is not supported and
allows containers to code to a single interface and not require
rewriting to now manage an additional artifact should a provider support
pre-deploy. With the interfaces as proposed a container would need to
have two code paths, one that interfaces with PersistenceProvider and
another for the "bootstrap" interface.

Alternatively, if an artifact is needed an EntityManagerFactory could
be returned in a pre-deployed state from
createContainerEntityManagerFactory via a new parameter or property and
activated through new API. Although, some of the language in the
specification on when certain artifacts are initialized (ie canonical
metamodel) would need to change.

On 17/06/2013 11:51 AM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> Why is adding a method "simpler"? "Simpler" in what sense? From a
> user/integration perspective I don't think it makes any difference.
> From a provider perspective, I think the proposed solution is far more
> conceptually correct and therefore simpler. And I think these
> "conceptual" matches tend to work better from a user perspective as
> well (when an API and the concept it tries to expose/model match up...).
> I assume you mean adding preDeploy/preCreate to PersistenceProvider.
> Here is what I mean about "conceptuality":
> PersistenceProvider provider = ...;
> provider.preDeploy( .. );
> provider.createContainerEntityManagerFactory( .. );
> How does the provider track the preDeploy call above as relative to
> the eventual createContainerEntityManagerFactory call? Meaning, imagine:
> PersistenceProvider provider = ...;
> provider.preDeploy( setOfArgsForPU1 );
> provider.preDeploy( setOfArgsForPU2 );
> provider.createContainerEntityManagerFactory( pu1 );
> provider.createContainerEntityManagerFactory( pu2 );
> Unless we say that a PersistenceProvider instance needs to now
> conceptually model a single "pu". But thats a different set of
> assumptions than what we have today. A separate contract makes that
> explicitly clear:
> PersistenceProvider provider = ...;
> Bootstrap boot1 = provider.getBootstrap( setOfArgsForPU1 );
> Bootstrap boot2 = provider.getBootstrap( setOfArgsForPU2 );
> boot1.createContainerEntityManagerFactory( pu1 );
> boot2.createContainerEntityManagerFactory( pu2 );
> There is also the fact that simply adding a method does not allow
> opting in or opting out of this 2-phaseness. I guess that depends on
> how and if this group decides to accept this proposal in general. And
> if so, specifically, whether we expect all providers to provide a
> 2-phase bootstrap mechanism. Because if its not a requirement (aka,
> its optional) then having an optional contract is the best way to
> expose this period.
> As an additional suggestion, in the Hibernate version of this I
> actually added methods to "Bootstrap" to handle schema-generation as
> well.
> On Mon 17 Jun 2013 09:18:25 AM CDT, gordon yorke wrote:
>> Having a two step deployment of the persistence unit is a good idea.
>> It would be a lot simpler to add a single "preDeploy" or "preCreate"
>> method to the current SPI though.
>> --Gordon
>> On 17/06/2013 10:56 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:
>>> A few minor changes to the below proposed interfaces are here (they
>>> just need a package change to javax.persistence :-)
>>> +
>>> On 06/11/2013 10:18 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:
>>>> I would like to introduce the least pain, when/if we switch to
>>>> allowing
>>>> a two phase bootstream of the container EMF. I propose that we
>>>> introduce a TwoPhaseBootstrap interface, if the persistence provider
>>>> implements the TwoPhaseBootstrap interface, the methods can be used by
>>>> the caller (e.g. EE container looking to create the container entity
>>>> manager factory).
>>>> public interface TwoPhaseBootstrap {
>>>> Bootstrap
>>>> createContainerEntityManagerFactoryTwoPhase(PersistenceUnitInfo, Map);
>>>> }
>>>> public interface Bootstrap {
>>>> EntityManagerFactory buildEntityManagerFactory();
>>>> }
>>>> IMO, this is a good way to allow full JPA support
>>>> (ClassFileTransformers) and CDI implicit/explicit support (bean
>>>> manager
>>>> can be passed into the persistence provider). Without this change,
>>>> I'm
>>>> afraid that all deployments with EJB modules, will need to choose
>>>> between ClassFileTransformers working or use of CDI with entity
>>>> listeners (performance vs functionality).
>>>> Does anyone agree or disagree with making a change like the above
>>>> asap?
>>>> Scott
>>>> On 06/07/2013 11:40 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:
>>>>> On 08/10/2012 07:35 PM, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>>>>> Scott, Steve
>>>>>> Thanks for the proposal.
>>>>>> Folks, I'd like to get feedback from the group on this, particularly
>>>>>> from container and
>>>>>> persistence provider implementors.
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> -Linda
>>>>>> On 8/9/2012 10:50 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:
>>>>>>> The idea of having a separate generateSchema() that might do the
>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>> work as would of been done in
>>>>>>> createContainerEntityManagerFactory() (if certain properties are
>>>>>>> specified), brings to mind some other recent
>>>>>>> discussions (one that I raised about deployment ordering concerns).
>>>>>>> Could we add other methods that provide a two-step approach to
>>>>>>> creating the container manager entity manager factory? EE
>>>>>>> Containers will still need to handle older JPA providers but we
>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>> offer faster/more concurrent application
>>>>>>> deployment for JPA 2.1 and greater.
>>>>>>> The reason for turning createContainerEntityManagerFactory(),
>>>>>>> into two
>>>>>>> phases, is to allow the EE container to control
>>>>>>> when different JPA deployment operations can occur. More
>>>>>>> specifically,
>>>>>>> I would like to have control over when the
>>>>>>> persistence provider performs the following aspects of
>>>>>>> createContainerEntityManagerFactory():
>>>>> Perhaps we should start a new thread if there is more interest in
>>>>> switching to a two phase approach to creating the container entity
>>>>> manager factory (for post 2.1). I'm just now learning of a conflict
>>>>> between implicit CDI bean manager support and using
>>>>> ClassFileTransformers to enhance/rewrite entity classes. I'd like to
>>>>> allow both but the features seem to conflict with each other.
>>>>> Knowing whether there is an explicit CDI bean manager, is easy to
>>>>> detect
>>>>> (beans.xml is found) but for the implicit support, we assume there
>>>>> is a
>>>>> bean manager if there is an EJB module. When we create the container
>>>>> entity manager factory, if we pass in an implicit CDI bean manager,
>>>>> the
>>>>> CDI bean manager creation will scan application classes, which means
>>>>> ClassFileTransformers will register to late.
>>>>> Thoughts?
>>>>>>> - Scanning for annotations & adding class transformers (to ensure
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> this happens before other EE deployers load
>>>>>>> application classes).
>>>>>>> - DataSource is used (this will help with use of
>>>>>>> @DataSourceDefinition
>>>>>>> which might not be initialized until after the
>>>>>>> other EE deployers have at least started scanning application
>>>>>>> classes
>>>>>>> for @DataSourceDefinition).
>>>>>>> The following is from an extension that we (Steve & I) started to
>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>> on, to accomplish this:
>>>>>>> public interface PersistenceProvider {
>>>>>>> // Transformers added during this call
>>>>>>> Bootstrap getBootstrap(PersistenceUnitInfo, Map);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> public interface Bootstrap {
>>>>>>> // datasources accessible during either of these calls
>>>>>>> void manageSchema();
>>>>>>> EntityManagerFactory buildEntityManagerFactory();
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> Scott
>>>>>>> On 08/08/2012 01:17 PM, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>>>>>>> Please let me know if there are any further comments on this, as I
>>>>>>>> would otherwise like to proceed to fold it into the spec.
>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>> -Linda
>>>>>>>> On 7/23/2012 4:55 PM, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Here's an updated version of my earlier schema generation
>>>>>>>>> proposal,
>>>>>>>>> broken out as to proposed spec changes. You should hopefully find
>>>>>>>>> this considerably more flexible and detailed than the earlier
>>>>>>>>> draft.
>>>>>>>>> -Linda
>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Proposed spec changes:
>>>>>>>>> New Section: Schema Generation [to follow section 9.3]
>>>>>>>>> Schema generation may either happen prior to application
>>>>>>>>> deployment or
>>>>>>>>> when the entity manager factory is created as part of the
>>>>>>>>> application
>>>>>>>>> deployment and initialization process.
>>>>>>>>> * In Java EE environments, the container may call the
>>>>>>>>> PersistenceProvider generateSchema method separately from and/or
>>>>>>>>> prior to the creation of the entity manager factory for the
>>>>>>>>> persistence unit, or the container may pass additional
>>>>>>>>> information to the createContainerEntityManagerFactory call to
>>>>>>>>> cause schema generation to happen as part of the entity manager
>>>>>>>>> factory creation and application initialization process. The
>>>>>>>>> information passed to these methods determines whether the
>>>>>>>>> generation of schemas and/or tables occurs directly in the target
>>>>>>>>> database, or whether DDL scripts for schema generation are
>>>>>>>>> created, or both.
>>>>>>>>> * In Java SE environments, the application may call the
>>>>>>>>> Persistence
>>>>>>>>> generateSchema method separately from and/or prior to the
>>>>>>>>> creation
>>>>>>>>> of the entity manager factory or may pass information to the
>>>>>>>>> createEntityManagerFactory method to cause schema generation to
>>>>>>>>> occur as part of the entity manager factory creation.
>>>>>>>>> The application may provide DDL scripts to be used for schema
>>>>>>>>> generation, and package these scripts as part of the
>>>>>>>>> persistence unit
>>>>>>>>> or specify URLs corresponding to the location of such scripts. In
>>>>>>>>> Java EE environments, such scripts may be executed by the
>>>>>>>>> container,
>>>>>>>>> or the container may direct the persistence provider to execute
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> scripts; in Java SE environments, the execution of the scripts
>>>>>>>>> is the
>>>>>>>>> responsibility of the persistence provider. In the absence of the
>>>>>>>>> specification of scripts, schema generation, if requested,
>>>>>>>>> will be
>>>>>>>>> determined by the object/relational metadata of the persistence
>>>>>>>>> unit.
>>>>>>>>> The following standard properties are defined for use in schema
>>>>>>>>> generation. In Java EE environments these properties are
>>>>>>>>> passed by
>>>>>>>>> the container in the Map argument to the PersistenceProvider
>>>>>>>>> generateSchema method or createContainerEntityManagerFactory
>>>>>>>>> method.
>>>>>>>>> In Java SE environments, they are passed in the Map argument to
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> Persistence generateSchema or createEntityManagerFactory method.
>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.schema-generation-target:
>>>>>>>>> The schema-generation-target property specifies whether the
>>>>>>>>> schema
>>>>>>>>> is to be created in the database, whether scripts are to be
>>>>>>>>> generated, or both.
>>>>>>>>> values for this property: DATABASE, SCRIPTS, DATABASE_AND_SCRIPTS
>>>>>>>>> [Open Issue: introduce for these enum or use strings? Better
>>>>>>>>> names??]
>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.schema-generation-action:
>>>>>>>>> The schema-generation-action property is used to specify the
>>>>>>>>> action
>>>>>>>>> to be taken by the persistence provider. If the
>>>>>>>>> schema-generation-target property is not specified, no action
>>>>>>>>> must
>>>>>>>>> be taken.
>>>>>>>>> values for this property: NONE, CREATE, DROP_AND_CREATE, DROP
>>>>>>>>> [Open Issue: enum strings ("none", "create",
>>>>>>>>> "drop-and-create",...)
>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.create-database-schemas
>>>>>>>>> In Java EE environments, it is anticipated that the Java EE
>>>>>>>>> platform provider may wish to control the creation of database
>>>>>>>>> schemas rather than delegate this task to the persistence
>>>>>>>>> provider.
>>>>>>>>> The create-database-schemas property specifies whether the
>>>>>>>>> persistence provider is to create the database schema(s) in
>>>>>>>>> addition to creating database objects such as tables, sequences,
>>>>>>>>> constraints, etc. The value of this boolean property should be
>>>>>>>>> set
>>>>>>>>> to true if the persistence provider is to create schemas in the
>>>>>>>>> database or to generate DDL which is to contain "CREATE SCHEMA"
>>>>>>>>> commands. If this property is not supplied, the provider should
>>>>>>>>> not attempt to create database schemas. This property may be
>>>>>>>>> specified in Java SE environments as well.
>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.ddl-create-script-target,
>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.ddl-drop-script-target:
>>>>>>>>> If scripts are to be generated, the target locations for the
>>>>>>>>> writing of these scripts must be specified. These targets may
>>>>>>>>> take
>>>>>>>>> the form of either Writers or strings designating URLs. The
>>>>>>>>> persistence provider must produce both create and drop scripts if
>>>>>>>>> the corresponding DDL targets are specified. This is independent
>>>>>>>>> of whether a drop action is included in the value passed for the
>>>>>>>>> schema-generation-action property. If the
>>>>>>>>> schema-generation-target
>>>>>>>>> property specifies scripts and script targets are not specified,
>>>>>>>>> the IllegalArgumentException should be thrown by the provider.
>>>>>>>>> ddl-create-script-target: a Writer configured for the persistence
>>>>>>>>> provider for output of the DDL script or a string specifying
>>>>>>>>> the URL for the DDL script. This property should only be
>>>>>>>>> specified if scripts are to be generated.
>>>>>>>>> ddl-drop-script-target: a Writer configured for the persistence
>>>>>>>>> provider for output of the DDL script or a string specifying the
>>>>>>>>> URL for the DDL script. This property should only be specified
>>>>>>>>> if scripts are to be generated.
>>>>>>>>> [Suggestions for better names ??]
>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.database-product-name,
>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.database-product-version,
>>>>>>>>> If scripts are to be generated by the persistence provider and a
>>>>>>>>> connection to the target database is not supplied, the
>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.database-product-name property must be
>>>>>>>>> specified. The value of this property should be the value
>>>>>>>>> returned for the target database by the JDBC DatabaseMetaData
>>>>>>>>> method getDatabaseProductName. If sufficient database version
>>>>>>>>> information is not included in the result of this method, the
>>>>>>>>> database-product-version property should also be specified, and
>>>>>>>>> should contain the value returned by the JDBC
>>>>>>>>> getDatabaseProductVersion method.
>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.ddl-create-script-source,
>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.ddl-drop-script-source:
>>>>>>>>> The ddl-create-script-source and ddl-drop-script-source
>>>>>>>>> properties
>>>>>>>>> are used for script execution. In Java EE container environments,
>>>>>>>>> it is generally expected that the container will be responsible
>>>>>>>>> for executing DDL scripts, although the container is permitted to
>>>>>>>>> delegate this task to the persistence provider. If DDL scripts
>>>>>>>>> are to be used in Java SE environments or if the Java EE
>>>>>>>>> container
>>>>>>>>> delegates the execution of scripts to the persistence provider,
>>>>>>>>> these properties must be specified. The script sources may take
>>>>>>>>> the form of either Readers or strings designating URLs.
>>>>>>>>> ddl-create-script-source: a Reader configured for reading of the
>>>>>>>>> DDL script or a string specifying the URL for the DDL script.
>>>>>>>>> ddl-drop-script-source: a Reader configured for reading of the
>>>>>>>>> DDL
>>>>>>>>> script or a string specifying the URL for the DDL script.
>>>>>>>>> [Suggestions for better names ??]
>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source:
>>>>>>>>> A data load script may be supplied as part of the persistence
>>>>>>>>> unit. In Java EE container environments, it is generally expected
>>>>>>>>> that the container will be responsible for executing data load
>>>>>>>>> scripts, although the container is permitted to delegate this
>>>>>>>>> task
>>>>>>>>> to the persistence provider. If a load script is to be used in
>>>>>>>>> Java SE environments or if the Java EE container delegates the
>>>>>>>>> execution of the load script to the persistence provider, this
>>>>>>>>> property must be specified. The script source may take the form
>>>>>>>>> of either a Reader or a string designating a URL.
>>>>>>>>> sql-load-script-source: a Reader configured for reading of the
>>>>>>>>> SQL
>>>>>>>>> load script for database initialization or a string specifying
>>>>>>>>> the URL for the script.
>>>>>>>>> javax.persistence.schema-generation-connection:
>>>>>>>>> JDBC connection to be used for schema generation. This is
>>>>>>>>> intended
>>>>>>>>> for use in Java EE environments, where the platform provider may
>>>>>>>>> want to control the database privileges that are available to the
>>>>>>>>> persistence provider. This connection is provided by the
>>>>>>>>> container,
>>>>>>>>> and should be closed by the container when the schema generation
>>>>>>>>> request or entity manager factory creation completes. The
>>>>>>>>> connection provided must have credentials sufficient for the
>>>>>>>>> persistence provider to carry out the requested actions. If this
>>>>>>>>> property is not specified, the persistence provider should use
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> DataSource that has otherwise been provided.
>>>>>>>>> 9.4.1 PersistenceProvider Interface:
>>>>>>>>> New method:
>>>>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>>>> * Create database schemas and/or tables and/or create DDL
>>>>>>>>> * scripts as determined by the supplied properties
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> * @param info metadata for use by the persistence provider
>>>>>>>>> * @param map properties for schema generation; these
>>>>>>>>> * may also contain provider-specific properties
>>>>>>>>> * @throws PersistenceException if insufficient or inconsistent
>>>>>>>>> * configuration information is provided or if schema
>>>>>>>>> * generation otherwise fails.
>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>> public void generateSchema(PersistenceUnitInfo info, Map map)
>>>>>>>>> 9.6 Persistence Class
>>>>>>>>> New method:
>>>>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>>>> * Create database schemas and/or tables and/or create DDL
>>>>>>>>> * scripts as determined by the supplied properties
>>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>>> * @param persistenceUnitName the name of the persistence unit
>>>>>>>>> * @param map properties for schema generation; these may also
>>>>>>>>> * contain provider-specific properties. The values of
>>>>>>>>> * these properties override any values that may have been
>>>>>>>>> * configured elsewhere.
>>>>>>>>> * @throws PersistenceException if insufficient or inconsistent
>>>>>>>>> * configuration information is provided or if schema
>>>>>>>>> * generation otherwise fails.
>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>> public void generateSchema(String persistenceUnitName, Map
>>>>>>>>> properties)
>>>>>>>>> -----------------------
>>>>>>>>> Section 8.2.1 persistence.xml file
>>>>>>>>> To be added to section 8.2.1:
>>>>>>>>> Scripts for use in schema generation and bulk loading of data
>>>>>>>>> may be
>>>>>>>>> packaged as part of the persistence unit.
>>>>>>>>> To be added to Section (properties):
>>>>>>>>> Scripts for use in schema generation are specified using the
>>>>>>>>> ddl-create-script and ddl-drop-script elements. A script to
>>>>>>>>> specify
>>>>>>>>> SQL for the bulk loading of data may be specified by the
>>>>>>>>> sql-load-script element. These scripts may be packaged as part
>>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>>> persistence unit or designated by URL strings.
>>>>>>>>> <xsd:element name="database-scripts" type="database-scripts-type"
>>>>>>>>> minOccurs="0"/>
>>>>>>>>> <xsd:complexType name="database-scripts-type">
>>>>>>>>> <xsd:sequence>
>>>>>>>>> <xsd:element name="ddl-create-script" type="xsd:string"/>
>>>>>>>>> <xsd:element name="ddl-drop-script" type="xsd:string"
>>>>>>>>> minOccurs="0"/>
>>>>>>>>> <xsd:element name="sql-load-script" type="xsd:string"
>>>>>>>>> minOccurs="0"/>
>>>>>>>>> </xsd:sequence>
>>>>>>>>> </xsd:complexType>
>>>>>>>>> [Open Issue: do we want to require a drop-script if a
>>>>>>>>> create-script
>>>>>>>>> has been provided?]
>>>>>>>>> -----------
>>>>>>>>> Chapter 11:
>>>>>>>>> New annotations for use in schema generation:
>>>>>>>>> @Target({}) @Retention(RUNTIME)
>>>>>>>>> public @interface Index {
>>>>>>>>> String name() default "";
>>>>>>>>> String columnList();
>>>>>>>>> boolean unique() default false; // should this be here or just
>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>> UniqueConstraints?
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> columnList syntax follows that of the OrderBy annotation:
>>>>>>>>> columnList::= indexColumn [, indexColumn]*
>>>>>>>>> indexColumn::= columnName [ASC | DESC]
>>>>>>>>> If ASC or DESC is not specified, ASC is assumed
>>>>>>>>> Index[] indexes() default {};
>>>>>>>>> is to be added to Table, SecondaryTable, CollectionTable,
>>>>>>>>> JoinTable,
>>>>>>>>> and TableGenerator
>>>>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>>>> * Provides for defining a foreign key constraint or for
>>>>>>>>> overriding
>>>>>>>>> * or disabling the persistence provider's default foreign key
>>>>>>>>> * definition.
>>>>>>>>> */
>>>>>>>>> @Target({}) @Retention(RUNTIME)
>>>>>>>>> public @interface ForeignKey {
>>>>>>>>> String name() default "";
>>>>>>>>> String foreignKeyDefinition() default "";
>>>>>>>>> boolean disableForeignKey() default false;
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> The syntax used in the foreignKeyDefinition element should
>>>>>>>>> follow the
>>>>>>>>> SQL syntax used by the target database for foreign key
>>>>>>>>> constraints.
>>>>>>>>> E.g., this would likely be similar to the following:
>>>>>>>>> FOREIGN KEY ( <COLUMN expression> {, <COLUMN expression>}... )
>>>>>>>>> REFERENCES <TABLE identifier> [ ( <COLUMN expression> {, <COLUMN
>>>>>>>>> expression>}... ) ]
>>>>>>>>> [ ON UPDATE <referential action> ]
>>>>>>>>> [ ON DELETE <referential action> ]
>>>>>>>>> If disableForeignKey is specified as true, the provider must not
>>>>>>>>> generate
>>>>>>>>> a foreign key constraint.
>>>>>>>>> The following is to be added to JoinColumn, JoinColumns,
>>>>>>>>> MapKeyJoinColumn,
>>>>>>>>> MapKeyJoinColumns, PrimaryKeyJoinColumn and
>>>>>>>>> PrimaryKeyJoinColumns:
>>>>>>>>> ForeignKey foreignKey() default @ForeignKey();