I've just uploaded an updated orm.xsd. Unfortunately java.net doesn't
let me upload a file of the same name as one that is already there,
so I had to either rename the earlier version or delete it (I chose
to rename, so we have the history).
Anyway, be sure to grab the "draft 3" version (it is dated December 11, 2012 inside).
On 12/13/2012 3:57 PM, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
> I've just uploaded a new draft of the specification, which includes
> the entity group functionality we have been discussing. I would like
> to submit this (or something very close to it) next week to the JCP
> for the Public Draft Review process and to expose it to the wider
> community for greater feedback.
> See http://java.net/projects/jpa-spec/downloads
> Please let me know asap if you see any problems or think I should not.
> The changebars show the delta from the previous draft (EDR2).
> I plan to be uploading javadocs and updated orm.xsd files as well.
> thanks,
> -Linda