[jpa-spec users] [jsr338-experts] Re: updated spec draft (converters)

From: Linda DeMichiel <>
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2012 10:41:28 -0700

Hi Steve,

On 7/5/2012 8:25 AM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> I did not see this covered specifically in the spec draft nor this discussion. I apologize if I missed it.
> Say we encounter @Convert(converter=MyConverter.class)
> Does MyConverter *need to be known already*? Obviously if scanning is enabled we will know about it (since by spec it
> needs to be annotated with @Converter...). But what I mean is if scanning is disabled, does MyConverter have to be
> listed in XML for an @Convert reference to it to work?

Please see section It should be treated as the other managed classes.


> On 03/12/2012 12:19 PM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
>> On 7 mars 2012, at 23:33, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>> I've uploaded a draft of the spec with the attribute converter additions to the document
>>> downloads area,
>>> The converter changes can be found in sections 3.7, 10.5, and 11.1.10-11.
>>> The following open issues are pending:
>>> * Conversion of @Id and @Version.
>>> * Explicit listing of converters in persistence.xml file. I'm not sure I understand what
>>> was being proposed here.
>> When the archive is not scanned (it's an option in persistence.xml), the provider has no way of finding the list of
>> converters unless the user explicitly list them in persistence.xml like it does list classes.
>>> * What to do about the "specialization" issue that was raised. Would someone care to provide
>>> some use cases and/or flesh out that part of the proposal further?
>>> * Whether these APIs belong in the javax.persistence package or whether we should introduce
>>> a new package (e.g., javax.persistence.mapping).
>>> Please let me know if I have missed anything or if there are any other
>>> corrections, additions, etc.
>>> -Linda