On 12/03/2012 1:51 PM, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
> On 3/12/2012 10:19 AM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
>> On 7 mars 2012, at 23:33, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>> I've uploaded a draft of the spec with the attribute converter
>>> additions to the document
>>> downloads area, http://java.net/projects/jpa-spec/downloads.
>>> The converter changes can be found in sections 3.7, 10.5, and
>>> 11.1.10-11.
>>> The following open issues are pending:
>>> * Conversion of @Id and @Version.
>>> * Explicit listing of converters in persistence.xml file. I'm not
>>> sure I understand what
>>> was being proposed here.
>> When the archive is not scanned (it's an option in persistence.xml),
>> the provider has no way of finding the list of converters unless the
>> user explicitly list them in persistence.xml like it does list classes.
> OK, thanks -- so would you propose that they simply be listed using
> the class element?
These are O/R mapping classes. Why would they be listed in
persistence.xml? The flag to not scan for annotations (the
xml-mapping-metadata-complete option) is in the orm.xml mapping file,
that is where I would expect to specify these when not using
annotations, right?