On 12 mars 2012, at 18:51, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
> On 3/12/2012 10:19 AM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
>> On 7 mars 2012, at 23:33, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>> I've uploaded a draft of the spec with the attribute converter additions to the document
>>> downloads area, http://java.net/projects/jpa-spec/downloads.
>>> The converter changes can be found in sections 3.7, 10.5, and 11.1.10-11.
>>> The following open issues are pending:
>>> * Conversion of @Id and @Version.
>>> * Explicit listing of converters in persistence.xml file. I'm not sure I understand what
>>> was being proposed here.
>> When the archive is not scanned (it's an option in persistence.xml), the provider has no way of finding the list of converters unless the user explicitly list them in persistence.xml like it does list classes.
> OK, thanks -- so would you propose that they simply be listed using the class element?
I would not mind. Potential future annoatted objects would fit as well.