Hi Rainer,
On 6/8/2011 3:50 AM, Rainer Kwesi Schweigkoffer wrote:
> Hi Linda, all,
> Linda DeMichiel, am 6 Jun 2011 hast Du um 13:37 zum Thema "[jsr338-experts] Re: JPA 2.1 specification draft" geschrieben :
>>> What, by the way, is the expected behaviour of getParameterValue() for
>>> INOUT and OUT parameters of a stored procedure ? Is getParameterValue()
>>> supposed to return the input value bound to an INOUT parameter even
>>> after execution ?
>> That was my assumption, although the spec needs to clarify this one way or
>> the other. If there is agreement on this interpretation, then getParameterValue
>> for an OUT parameter should throw IllegalStateException (as currently documented).
>> Do you think otherwise?
> I'd consider it useful if getParameterValue() would continue to return
> the bound input value for an INOUT parameter.
> Concerning OUT parameters I am fine with the exception, however, I
> would welcome the javadoc to be more explicit on this case since
> someone could take the perspective a stored procedure, during its
> execution, was binding a value to an OUT parameter.
Thanks -- I have made these clarifications.
> Since a<T> T getParameterValue(Parameter<T> param) method is inherited
> from Query one might think of a
> <T> T getOutputParameterValue(Parameter<T> param)
> method as well, and whether, for generic tools inspecting a
> (StoredProcedure)Query, a StoredProcedureParameter extending Parameter
> might be provided that could be asked for its ParameterMode. In that
> case respective is-methods might be helpful.
Yes, I see that this would be a nice-to-have. I will track this as a
potential enhancement.
best regards,
> Best regards
> Rainer
> ---
> Rainer Schweigkoffer SAP AG Walldorf
> Business Solution& Technology TD Core JS&I
> Technology Development Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
> Java Server Core D-69190 Walldorf
> JEE Implementation Group phone: +49 6227 7 45305
> Building 3, I.3.14 fax: +49 6227 7 821177
> rainer.schweigkoffer_at_sap.com
> Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Walldorf, Germany
> Vorstand/SAP Executive Board: Werner Brandt, Angelika Dammann,
> Bill McDermott (Co-CEO), Gerhard Oswald, Vishal Sikka,
> Jim Hagemann Snabe (Co-CEO)
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairperson of the SAP Supervisory
> Board: Hasso Plattner
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