Hello Linda,
Some feedback.
Section - Entities returned are more likely to be detached
than new as they will have a persistent identity.
Section 6.3.5 - Should not need method : "<Y> CriteriaUpdate<T>
set(Path<Y> attribute, Y value);" as the next method also covers this case.
Section 6.3.1 &6.5.7 &6.5.8 - Treat should not operate on the metamodel,
it should only operate on the path expressions. I know the pattern
chosen for the JPQL has the JOIN TREAT operating on the metamodel but
the where clause definely operates on the path expression. Operating on
the path expression is far smoother than operating on both the path
expression and the metamodel. The treat methods can be reduced to
methods that take Path<> and Join<>. The examples would then become:
CriteriaQuery<Customer> q = cb.createQuery(Customer.class);
Root<Customer> customer = q.from(Customer.class);
Join<Customer, Order> order = customer.join(Customer_.orders);
CriteriaQuery<String> q = cb.createQuery(String.class);
Root<Order> order = q.from(Order.class);
Join<Order,Book> book = cb.treat(order.join(Order_.product),
Section 6.5.15 - example 2 should not be using Employee_ metamodel
elements for Address attributes. Should also add a note to the spec
stating that updating across implicit joins is not supported.
Linda DeMichiel wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've just uploaded a draft of the JPA 2.1 specification that reflects
> our progress to date.
> You can retrieve it from the Downloads section of the project website,
> http://java.net/projects/jpa-spec/downloads.
> Please review carefully and post any feedback, comments, corrections,
> etc.
> to the list.
> There are a number of open issues which I've flagged in the draft
> and in its Appendix B. I'd like to get feedback on the draft first,
> and then try close these out in a concall.
> The changebars in the draft reflect a superset of all technical changes.
> (Some sporadic changebars are due purely to updates to the
> formatting--but
> these should be fairly easy to identify.)
> thanks,
> -Linda