
[jsr338-experts] Re: JPA 2.1 specification draft

From: Gordon Yorke <gordon.yorke_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 14:07:09 -0300

Just added some comments to Rainer's feedback.

Rainer Kwesi Schweigkoffer wrote:
> Hi Linda, all,
> Linda DeMichiel, am 13 May 2011 hast Du um 10:44 zum Thema "[jsr338-experts] JPA 2.1 specification draft" geschrieben :
>> I've just uploaded a draft of the JPA 2.1 specification that reflects
>> our progress to date.
> thanks a lot for all the work you have spent on this. Please find my
> first comments as listed below :
> 3.1.1 pp. 71-72
> createQuery methods for CriteriaUpdate<T> resp. CriteriaDelete<T> : I'd
> rather see them returning Query than TypedQuery<T> since the type T
> here does have a different meaning than for CriteriaQuery<T> and, to my
> understanding, is of no use.
> 3.8.6 p. 126
> registerStoredProcedureParameter methods : add "or the query execution
> will fail" to @throws
I agree and even suggest removing the IllegalArgumentException
entirely. Providers will not be retrieving the Procedure definition
from the database to provide validation.
> 3.8.7 p. 129 paragraph 3
> What about getOutputParameterValue() ?
It is quite simple to call getOutputParameterValue(1);
> 3.8.11 to 3.8.14 p. 131
> Would welcome a statement here about the mixed usage of named and
> positional parameters not being support (like in 4.6.4 p. 160 and
> p.138)
> 3.8.14 p. 131 and 7.4. pp. 320-321
> Not happy about the the addNamedQuery() as it is right now; should not
> be callable outside dedicated life cycle events.
What do you mean by dedicated life cycle events; the EMF events that
have yet to be specified? The spec should recommend using the lifecycle
events but there is no reason to restrict to those events.
> pp. 136 - 137
> Would propose to change order of sections and
> since Constructor Results build on top of Scalar Results.
> p. 138
> "Support for joins is currently limited to single-valued
> relationships". Could you flesh that out a bit ?
> p. 139 and 10.3.3 p. 382-383
> Actually, I am missing a statement on REF_CURSOR parameters here and
> that their result sets are appended to the ones returned by the stored
> procedure, thus needing to be reflected when specifying the result
> classes / set mappings for the stored procedure.
> 4.4.9 p. 158 and 6.5.7 pp. 293-294
> Are we explicit in not allowing downcasts in having clauses ?
> 4.6. p. 159 paragraph 1
> Should the ON clause be listed here as well ?
> 6.3.2 pp. 247-248
> Thought we agreed on the interface to be named CriteriaBase, didn't
> we ?
> There are two <T> to be removed for the where methods.
> 6.3.5 p. 257 and 6.3.6 p. 259
> Actually, I find the javadoc of the from methods a bit misleading. They
> might explicitly state that there is only one root (like in 6.5.15 p.
> 307).
> 10.3.3 p. 383 first paragraph
> "should be observed" vs. "must be observed" in 3.8.6 p. 123 javadoc of
> setHint().
> 10.3.4 p. 384
> Would love to see EntityResult[] as part of ConstructorResult in order
> to conform with JPQL.
> Nonetheless great work...like always !
> Best regards
> Rainer
> ---
> Rainer Schweigkoffer SAP AG Walldorf
> Business Solution & Technology TD Core JS&I
> Technology Development Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
> Java Server Core D-69190 Walldorf
> JEE Implementation Group phone: +49 6227 7 45305
> Building 3, I.3.14 fax: +49 6227 7 821177
> rainer.schweigkoffer_at_sap.com
> Sitz der Gesellschaft/Registered Office: Walldorf, Germany
> Vorstand/SAP Executive Board: Werner Brandt, Angelika Dammann,
> Bill McDermott (Co-CEO), Gerhard Oswald, Vishal Sikka,
> Jim Hagemann Snabe (Co-CEO)
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats/Chairperson of the SAP Supervisory
> Board: Hasso Plattner
> Registergericht/Commercial Register Mannheim No HRB 350269
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