
[jsr338-experts] Re: JPA 2.1 specification draft

From: Rainer Kwesi Schweigkoffer <kwesi_at_sap.com>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 16:55:41 +0200

Hi Linda, all,

Linda DeMichiel, am 13 May 2011 hast Du um 10:44 zum Thema "[jsr338-experts] JPA 2.1 specification draft" geschrieben :

> I've just uploaded a draft of the JPA 2.1 specification that reflects
> our progress to date.

thanks a lot for all the work you have spent on this. Please find my
first comments as listed below :

3.1.1 pp. 71-72

createQuery methods for CriteriaUpdate<T> resp. CriteriaDelete<T> : I'd
rather see them returning Query than TypedQuery<T> since the type T
here does have a different meaning than for CriteriaQuery<T> and, to my
understanding, is of no use.

3.8.6 p. 126

registerStoredProcedureParameter methods : add "or the query execution
will fail" to @throws

3.8.7 p. 129 paragraph 3

What about getOutputParameterValue() ?

3.8.11 to 3.8.14 p. 131

Would welcome a statement here about the mixed usage of named and
positional parameters not being support (like in 4.6.4 p. 160 and p.138)

3.8.14 p. 131 and 7.4. pp. 320-321

Not happy about the the addNamedQuery() as it is right now; should not
be callable outside dedicated life cycle events. pp. 136 - 137

Would propose to change order of sections and
since Constructor Results build on top of Scalar Results. p. 138

"Support for joins is currently limited to single-valued
relationships". Could you flesh that out a bit ? p. 139 and 10.3.3 p. 382-383

Actually, I am missing a statement on REF_CURSOR parameters here and
that their result sets are appended to the ones returned by the stored
procedure, thus needing to be reflected when specifying the result
classes / set mappings for the stored procedure.

4.4.9 p. 158 and 6.5.7 pp. 293-294

Are we explicit in not allowing downcasts in having clauses ?

4.6. p. 159 paragraph 1

Should the ON clause be listed here as well ?

6.3.2 pp. 247-248

Thought we agreed on the interface to be named CriteriaBase, didn't
we ?

There are two <T> to be removed for the where methods.

6.3.5 p. 257 and 6.3.6 p. 259

Actually, I find the javadoc of the from methods a bit misleading. They
might explicitly state that there is only one root (like in 6.5.15 p.

10.3.3 p. 383 first paragraph

"should be observed" vs. "must be observed" in 3.8.6 p. 123 javadoc of

10.3.4 p. 384

Would love to see EntityResult[] as part of ConstructorResult in order
to conform with JPQL.

Nonetheless great work...like always !

Best regards

Rainer Schweigkoffer                      SAP AG Walldorf
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