
[jsr338-experts] Re: Standardized Access to ChangeSet

From: Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel.bernard_at_jboss.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 16:34:30 +0200

On 20 juin 2011, at 20:33, Pinaki Poddar wrote:

> Hi Gordon/Adam and all,
> I should have clarified
> a) the returned Sets be immutable. The elements of the set are live.
> b) returned set reflects the state of the member entities at the time of invocation.
> Set<Object> deleted = em.getEntities(LifeCycleState.DELETED); // say return a set with 2 entities
> em.remove(another); // another is not a member of deleted set
> assertFalse(deleted.contains(another));
> Set<Object> deleted2 = em.getEntities(LifeCycleState.DELETED);
> assertTrue(deleted.contains(another));

I wonder if the Sets should return some dehydrated forms of the Entities instead of the entities themselves?

> c) Other possibility is to return an Iterator<> instead which is always 'live'.

I'd prefer the set to be cast in stone at method execution time.

> d) the methods return empty set if EntityManager is not in an active transaction.

Well, an extended PC does have a queue of managed objects. I'd say it's useful to have access to them. That'd require some kind of a "fake flush" to compute the closure I suspect.