
[jsr338-experts] Re: outer joins with ON conditions

From: Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel.bernard_at_jboss.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 11:31:01 +0100

The doc is minimal, I'm pasting it for info
You may supply extra join conditions using the HQL with keyword.

from Cat as cat
    left join cat.kittens as kitten
        with kitten.bodyWeight > 10.0

this essentially concatenate an SQL version of kitten.bodyWeight > 10.0 to the rest of the SQL ON clause used to auto join the Cat table.

My email was really a question, I wanted to confirm that what you were proposing was essentially the same concept.

As for a full ON clause replacement, a few users and customers have requested it over the years. But we have not implemented such a feature yet. I suspect people are willing to do adhoc joins even across non mapped associations. I see it as much less useful than the proposed feature.

On 14 mars 2011, at 22:21, Linda DeMichiel wrote:

> Hi Emmanuel,
> Could you elaborate on what you see as the need for this. Also, I haven't been
> able to locate documentation on the Hibernate WITH construct -- could you point
> us in that direction.
> thanks,
> -Linda
> On 3/13/2011 3:11 PM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
>> Just to clarify,
>> You propose that the JP-QL ON syntax essentially add additional SQL constraints to the ON clause, is that correct?
>> In this case, I'd suggest that we use a different name than ON (would we one day want to support the full replacement of the ON clause). I know that's the reason why we've chosen the WITH keyword.
>> Emmanuel
>> On 11 mars 2011, at 22:30, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>>> Outer joins with ON conditions have been requested a number of times.
>>> The issue is that the current JPQL and criteria API syntax do not
>>> support capturing the semantics that SQL provides.
>>> Chapter 4 of the JPA spec states that outer joins "enable the
>>> retrieval of a set of entities where matching values in the join
>>> condition may be absent."
>>> The issue appears with the semantic difference between restrictions
>>> applied in the WHERE clause and in the SQL outer join ON clause.
>>> The SQL semantics for the outer join
>>> SELECT A.*, B.*
>>> ON C1 AND C2 ... Cn
>>> are the following:
>>> SELECT A.*, B.*
>>> FROM A, B
>>> WHERE C1 AND C2 ... AND Cn
>>> FROM A
>>> FROM A, B
>>> WHERE C1 AND C2 ... AND Cn )
>>> This means that if an A tuple ai does not join with any B tuple according to
>>> the condition C1 AND C2 ... AND Cn, then the tuple [ai.*, NULL, ....,
>>> NULL] *will* appear in the query result (even if some predicate condition Cj
>>> applies only to the A columns of A and is false for ai).
>>> To illustrate more concretely, the following example was posted
>>> in a request on my blog (thanks Bernard, if you are reading!)
>>> Let's say you want a list of car dealers and how many new
>>> vehicles they're selling.
>>> In SQL you can say:
>>> SELECT d.name, count( v.id )
>>> FROM dealer d LEFT OUTER JOIN vehicle v
>>> ON v.dealer_id = d.dealer_id AND v.type = 'New'
>>> GROUP BY d.name
>>> In JPQL, you only have the WHERE clause which limits your results,
>>> making the outer join useless:
>>> SELECT d.name, count( v.id )
>>> FROM dealer d LEFT OUTER JOIN d.vehicleList v
>>> WHERE v.type = 'New'
>>> GROUP BY d.name
>>> Were we to include support for the "ON" syntax and semantics,
>>> the JPQL equivalents would be the following:
>>> SELECT d.name, count(v.id)
>>> FROM dealer d LEFT OUTER JOIN d.vehicle v
>>> ON v.type = 'New'
>>> GROUP BY d.name
>>> and
>>> SELECT d.name, count(v.id)
>>> FROM dealer d LEFT OUTER JOIN d.vehicle v
>>> WHERE v.type = 'New'
>>> GROUP BY d.name"
>>> In the first of these queries, all dealers are included in the result,
>>> including dealers with no vehicles that qualify.
>>> In the second, we're only looking at dealers that have at least one
>>> new vehicle.
>>> I propose that we should add support for the JPQL syntax
>>> LEFT [OUTER] JOIN join_association_path_expression [AS] identification_variable
>>> [ON conditional_expression]
>>> with the semantics that:
>>> SELECT a, b.x1, b.x2, ... bxn
>>> FROM A a LEFT JOIN a.b b
>>> ON c1...cn
>>> is equivalent to the semantics of
>>> SELECT a, b.x1, b.x2, ... bxn
>>> A a JOIN a.b b
>>> WHERE c1...cn
>>> unioned with
>>> SELECT a, null1, null2, ... nulln
>>> FROM A a
>>> WHERE c1...cn)
>>> For the criteria API equivalent, we could add methods
>>> on(Expression<Boolean> restriction);
>>> and
>>> on(Predicate... restriction);
>>> to the Join interface.
>>> I'm not however sure what it is best that these methods return.
>>> To be complete, we'd also need the method
>>> Predicate getOn();
>>> on the Join interface as well.
>>> Finally, we should also discuss whether we should support the use of
>>> ON with inner joins. SQL supports this, with the semantics that it is
>>> equivalent to the use of WHERE.
>>> Opinions??
>>> thanks,
>>> -Linda