Hi Emmanuel,
Could you elaborate on what you see as the need for this. Also, I haven't been
able to locate documentation on the Hibernate WITH construct -- could you point
us in that direction.
On 3/13/2011 3:11 PM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
> Just to clarify,
> You propose that the JP-QL ON syntax essentially add additional SQL constraints to the ON clause, is that correct?
> In this case, I'd suggest that we use a different name than ON (would we one day want to support the full replacement of the ON clause). I know that's the reason why we've chosen the WITH keyword.
> Emmanuel
> On 11 mars 2011, at 22:30, Linda DeMichiel wrote:
>> Outer joins with ON conditions have been requested a number of times.
>> The issue is that the current JPQL and criteria API syntax do not
>> support capturing the semantics that SQL provides.
>> Chapter 4 of the JPA spec states that outer joins "enable the
>> retrieval of a set of entities where matching values in the join
>> condition may be absent."
>> The issue appears with the semantic difference between restrictions
>> applied in the WHERE clause and in the SQL outer join ON clause.
>> The SQL semantics for the outer join
>> SELECT A.*, B.*
>> ON C1 AND C2 ... Cn
>> are the following:
>> SELECT A.*, B.*
>> FROM A, B
>> WHERE C1 AND C2 ... AND Cn
>> FROM A, B
>> WHERE C1 AND C2 ... AND Cn )
>> This means that if an A tuple ai does not join with any B tuple according to
>> the condition C1 AND C2 ... AND Cn, then the tuple [ai.*, NULL, ....,
>> NULL] *will* appear in the query result (even if some predicate condition Cj
>> applies only to the A columns of A and is false for ai).
>> To illustrate more concretely, the following example was posted
>> in a request on my blog (thanks Bernard, if you are reading!)
>> Let's say you want a list of car dealers and how many new
>> vehicles they're selling.
>> In SQL you can say:
>> SELECT d.name, count( v.id )
>> FROM dealer d LEFT OUTER JOIN vehicle v
>> ON v.dealer_id = d.dealer_id AND v.type = 'New'
>> GROUP BY d.name
>> In JPQL, you only have the WHERE clause which limits your results,
>> making the outer join useless:
>> SELECT d.name, count( v.id )
>> FROM dealer d LEFT OUTER JOIN d.vehicleList v
>> WHERE v.type = 'New'
>> GROUP BY d.name
>> Were we to include support for the "ON" syntax and semantics,
>> the JPQL equivalents would be the following:
>> SELECT d.name, count(v.id)
>> FROM dealer d LEFT OUTER JOIN d.vehicle v
>> ON v.type = 'New'
>> GROUP BY d.name
>> and
>> SELECT d.name, count(v.id)
>> FROM dealer d LEFT OUTER JOIN d.vehicle v
>> WHERE v.type = 'New'
>> GROUP BY d.name"
>> In the first of these queries, all dealers are included in the result,
>> including dealers with no vehicles that qualify.
>> In the second, we're only looking at dealers that have at least one
>> new vehicle.
>> I propose that we should add support for the JPQL syntax
>> LEFT [OUTER] JOIN join_association_path_expression [AS] identification_variable
>> [ON conditional_expression]
>> with the semantics that:
>> SELECT a, b.x1, b.x2, ... bxn
>> FROM A a LEFT JOIN a.b b
>> ON c1...cn
>> is equivalent to the semantics of
>> SELECT a, b.x1, b.x2, ... bxn
>> A a JOIN a.b b
>> WHERE c1...cn
>> unioned with
>> SELECT a, null1, null2, ... nulln
>> FROM A a
>> WHERE c1...cn)
>> For the criteria API equivalent, we could add methods
>> on(Expression<Boolean> restriction);
>> and
>> on(Predicate... restriction);
>> to the Join interface.
>> I'm not however sure what it is best that these methods return.
>> To be complete, we'd also need the method
>> Predicate getOn();
>> on the Join interface as well.
>> Finally, we should also discuss whether we should support the use of
>> ON with inner joins. SQL supports this, with the semantics that it is
>> equivalent to the use of WHERE.
>> Opinions??
>> thanks,
>> -Linda