
[jsr338-experts] Re: Mailing list logistics for JSR 338

From: Linda DeMichiel <linda.demichiel_at_oracle.com>
Date: Tue, 01 Mar 2011 09:02:05 -0800

Just to be extra clear....

Lurkers should first sign up as java.net members, then
join the project (i.e., click the link that says "Bookmark
This Project"), then they should be able to subscribe
themselves to the users email list.

Please let me know if following these steps doesn't work.



On 2/28/2011 2:58 PM, Linda DeMichiel wrote:


> If there are members of your company who wish to be "lurkers" to our
> expert group email, they should be urged to subscribe to the users
> email list or to view the activity on our list through the archives.
> To be able to do either one, they will first need to become java.net
> members. This can be done at https://java.net/people/new