[jms-spec users] Re: JMS_SPEC-116: JMS MDB improvements: simplifying the annotations

From: vaquar khan <>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 11:26:22 +0530

+1 Alternative proposals(B)

Vaquar Khan
On 10 Sep 2015 21:52, "Nigel Deakin" <> wrote:

> I'm continuing to work through some of the issues raised on my proposals
> to improve JMS MDBs at
> To help readers
> I'm starting a new thread for each issue.
> I'd like to review the proposed new method annotations for JMS MDBs in a
> bit more detail. These are the annotations that would (1) specify that a
> method was a callback method and (2) specify which messages should be
> delivered to it.
> Recap of current proposal
> -------------------------
> The following example illustrates the annotations currently proposed:
> @JMSListener(lookup="java:global/java:global/Trades",type=JMSListener.Type.TOPIC
> )
> @JMSConnectionFactory("java:global/MyCF")
> @SubscriptionDurability(SubscriptionDurability.Mode.DURABLE)
> @ClientId("myClientID1")
> @SubscriptionName("mySubName1")
> @MessageSelector("ticker='ORCL'")
> @JMSListenerProperty(name="foo1", value="bar1")
> @JMSListenerProperty(name="foo2", value="bar2")
> @Acknowledge(Acknowledge.Mode.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE)
> public void giveMeAMessage(Message message) {
> ...
> }
> Obviously, this is an extreme example which demonstrates the use of every
> annotation. I'm including the new @JMSListenerProperty annotation I
> proposed a few days ago.
> @JMSListener is always required: this is the annotation that signifies
> that this is a callback method. That's why the name is "JMSListener" rather
> than "JMSDestination", despite its role being to specify the queue or topic.
> In @JMSListener, the lookup attribute can be omitted. This was to allow
> the MDB to use "legacy" ways to define the queue or topic, such as using
> the MessageDriven's mappedName attribute. This would also allow an
> additional attribute such as "name" to be added in the future which allows
> the queue or topic's "non-portable" name to be specified.
> However in @JMSListener, the type attribute would always be required. I
> proposed this because the spec does not define a default value and it
> seemed useful to allow the app server/resource adapter to know what type of
> destination was expected.
> Otherwise, there is a separate annotation corresponding to each of the
> standard activation properties.
> Discussion
> ----------
> There are a number of things we should review here. I think the main thing
> we need to consider is which is better:
> a. to have lots of separate annotations, almost all of which have a
> single attribute, or
> b. to have a smaller number of annotations, each of which set multiple
> attributes.
> An alternative proposal
> -----------------------
> I'd like to suggest an alternative set of annotations:
> One for queues:
> @JMSQueueListener(destinationLookup="java:global/java:global/Trades",
> connectionFactoryLookup="java:global/MyCF",
> messageSelector=""ticker='ORCL'",
> acknowledge=JMSQueueListener.Mode.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE)
> @JMSListenerProperty(name="foo1", value="bar1")
> @JMSListenerProperty(name="foo2", value="bar2")
> public void giveMeAMessage(Message message) {
> ...
> }
> One for durable topic subscriptions:
> @JMSDurableTopicListener(destinationLookup="java:global/java:global/Trades",
> connectionFactoryLookup="java:global/MyCF",
> clientId="myClientID1",
> subscriptionName="mySubName1",
> messageSelector=""ticker='ORCL'",
> acknowledge=JMSQueueListener.Mode.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE)
> @JMSListenerProperty(name="foo1", value="bar1")
> @JMSListenerProperty(name="foo2", value="bar2")
> public void giveMeAMessage(Message message) {
> ...
> }
> One for nondurable topic subscriptions:
> @JMSNonDurableTopicListener(destinationLookup="java:global/java:global/Trades",
> connectionFactoryLookup="java:global/MyCF",
> messageSelector=""ticker='ORCL'",
> acknowledge=JMSQueueListener.Mode.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE)
> @JMSListenerProperty(name="foo1", value="bar1")
> @JMSListenerProperty(name="foo2", value="bar2")
> public void giveMeAMessage(Message message) {
> ...
> }
> Some of these attributes would need to be specified, others would be
> optional.
> Having separate annotations for queues, durable subscriptions and
> non-durable subscriptions would remove the need for the user to specify
> destinationType or subscriptionDurability as attributes.
> Possible further option
> -----------------------
> In addition to the alternative above, we could also offer a completely
> generic annotation, though this would strictly be unnecessary:
> @JMSDestinationListener(destinationLookup="java:global/java:global/Trades",
> type=JMSListener.DestinationType.TOPIC,
> connectionFactoryLookup="java:global/MyCF",
> clientId="myClientID1",
> subscriptionDurability=JMSListener.SubscriptionDurability.DURABLE
> subscriptionName="mySubName1",
> messageSelector=""ticker='ORCL'",
> acknowledge=JMSQueueListener.Mode.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE)
> @JMSListenerProperty(name="foo1", value="bar1")
> @JMSListenerProperty(name="foo2", value="bar2")
> public void giveMeAMessage(Message message) {
> ...
> }
> This generic annotation would need to allow destinationType and
> subscriptionDurability to be specified.
> What do you think?
> ------------------
> What do you think? Do you prefer:
> A. One annotation @JMSListener to define the callback method and the
> destination
> One small annotation for every other activation property
> (the original proposals)
> B. One big annotation JMSQueueListener for queues,
> One big annotation JMSDurableTopicListener for durable topic
> subscriptions,
> One big annotation JMSNonDurableTopicListener for nondurable topic
> subscriptions,
> One small annotation JMSListenerProperty for each non-standard
> activation property
> (the alternative proposals above).
> C The same as B plus
> The generic JMSDestinationListener annotation
> D. The generic JMSDestinationListener annotation (only)
> One small annotation JMSListenerProperty for each non-standard
> activation property
> I don't have a strong view on which is better: it's mainly a matter of
> style. One advantage of having annotations with multiple attributes is that
> once the user has decided which annotation to use, the IDE would offer
> hints as to which attributes to set.
> Nigel