[jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Re: (JMS_SPEC-121) Injection of JMSContext objects not possible in a WebSocket @OnMessage or @OnClose callback method

From: John D. Ament <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 09:41:07 -0400


I can see the logic in that (though if that's the case then the current
requirement for a request scope to be valid in MDB callbacks should
probably be moved from the CDI spec to the EJB spec).

I believe this line was removed from the CDI spec for 1.1.


On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Nigel Deakin <>wrote:

> On 07/05/2013 14:27, Nigel Deakin wrote:
>> Injection of JMSContext objects not possible in a WebSocket @OnMessage or
>> @OnClose callback method
>> If you inject a {{JMSContext}} into a websocket {{ServerEndpoint}} you
>> can use it in the {{_at_OnOpen}} callback, but if
>> you attempt to use it from the {{_at_OnMessage}} or {_at_OnClose}} callbacks
>> you get an exception from the CDI container
>> because there is no valid request scope or transaction scope. From a user
>> perspective it would seem reasonable to expect
>> to be able to use an injected {{JMSContext}} in these places.
> JMS 2.0 defines an injected JMSContext to have transaction scope if there
> is a current transaction, and request scope otherwise. However neither
> scope is available in a websocket @OnMessage or @OnClose callback.
> This seems to be an inconsistency in the CDI specification. Although there
> is no valid HTTP request during the @OnMessage and @OnClose callbacks, CDI
> already widens the definition of @RequestScoped to cover cases which have
> no relationship with HTTP. For example CDI 1.0 states that a MDB's
> onMessage method is executed within a request scope, even though there is
> no HTTP request involved. Now that WebSockets are part of Java EE 7 (JSR
> 356), it seems a bit arbitrary for a MDB callback to have a valid request
> scope, but for a WebSocket callback to not be.
> I asked the CDI expert group to consider whether a future version of CDI
> should extend the definition of @RequestScoped to include a WebSocket
> @OnMessage callback. This is**browse/CDI-370<>
> John A has commented that this should be defined by the WebSocket spec,
> not the CDI spec.
> I can see the logic in that (though if that's the case then the current
> requirement for a request scope to be valid in MDB callbacks should
> probably be moved from the CDI spec to the EJB spec).
> In any case I'll follow this up with the CDI and WebSocket spec leads to
> make sure that it gets handled by one spec or the other.
> Nigel