[jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Final editorial changes in the JMS 2.0 spec

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 18:12:56 +0000

(This email is about a minor update to the "what's new" section of the spec)

We're now two and a half weeks from the final JMS 2.0 submission and not further changes are planned beyond a final
review of spelling and formatting.

However Bob Kutter from TIBCO got in touch to point out that in the "What's new in JMS 2.0" chapter, section A.1.11
"Sending messages asynchronously" was rather more specific about how an async send was implemented than the spec itself.

This currently states:

"New send methods have been added to MessageProducer which allow messages to be sent asynchronously. These methods
return immediately and perform the send in a separate thread without blocking the calling thread. When the send is
complete, a callback method is invoked on an object supplied by the caller. Similar methods are available on the new
JMSContext interface."

This was intended to be just a summary of the changes made to the spec itself. However it is rather more specific about
the implementation than the spec is. The spec deliberately avoided phrases such as "these methods return immediately" in
order to leave it to the implementation to decide what work needs to be done in the calling thread and what work can be
done asynchronously.

I have therefore changed this summary to use similar terminology to the spec:

"New send methods have been added to MessageProducer which allow messages to be sent asynchronously. These methods
permit the JMS provider to perform part of the work involved in sending the message in a separate thread. When the send
is complete, a callback method is invoked on an object supplied by the caller. Similar methods are available for
applications using the new JMSProducer interface."

(the second sentence is copied from section 7.3).
