[jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Re: (JMS_SPEC-73) Define how messages from a topic are delivered to clustered application server instances

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2013 19:39:36 +0000

No-one gave any feedback on my email below.

As the email below explains, I am coming to the view that implementing the new "subscriptionScope" MDB activation
property by requiring the resource adapter to automatically generate the subscription name may not be practical because
it would be difficult to implement in a portable way which is guaranteed to work in multiple application servers. This
is a problem because I don't think JMS should be defining mandatory features which cannot be implemented portably.

I don't think we will have time to resolve this in time for JMS 2.0, so I therefore propose that we DEFER THIS FEATURE
UNTIL JMS 2.1. This will give time to pursue other ways of implementing "subscription scope" which do not rely on the
resource adapter generating a subscription name.

This would also defer the associated feature which allows the subscriptionName to be left unset when subscriptionScope
was set.

Dropping this feature will probably mean that the JCA EG will drop the new method getActivationName on BootstrapContext
that they were adding to support this. The JCA maintenance release is due to be submitted later this week so I need to
let them know very soon whether JMS will be using this method or not.

As always, your comments would be welcome.


On 28/01/2013 19:43, Nigel Deakin wrote:
> (Summary: This email is an update on progress getting JCA spec and Java EE spec changes to allow a resource adapter to
> implement support thw new JMS 2.0 activation property subscriptionScope. It explains how JMS may not get all the
> features we need.)
> On 04/12/2012 19:25, Nigel Deakin wrote:
>> I refer to this JIRA issue
>> Define how messages from a topic are delivered to clustered application server instances
> [snip]
> I hope you are familiar by now with Chapter 12 of the JMS 2.0 public draft, which defines various standard activation
> properties. Amongst the properties defined are subscriptionName and subscriptionScope.
> The draft specification states that if subscriptionScope is set then the resource adapter will automatically generate
> the subscription name (durable or non-durable) that will be used. If subscriptionScope is "Cluster" then for a given
> activation the name will be the same for each instance in the cluster. If subscriptionScope is "Instance" the name will
> be unique to the activation.
> Subsection 12.1.2 "Implementation in a resource adapter" contains some information on how a resource adapter might
> implement this, using new methods added to the JCA specification.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "The Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) specification defines a method getInstanceName on
> javax.resource.spi.BootstrapContext and a method getActivationUniqueName on MessageEndpointFactory. If a scope of
> cluster is specified then a suitable subscription name may be obtained by calling the getActivationUniqueName method. If
> a scope of instance is specified then a suitable subscription name may be obtained by calling the getInstanceName and
> getActivationUniqueName methods and concatenating the results.
> "If a scope of instance is specified then a suitable subscription name may be obtained by calling the getInstanceName
> and getActivationUniqueName methods and concatenating the results.
> However if the subscriptionName property and the subscription is durable then the value of this property should be used
> instead of the value returned by getActivationUniqueName"
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The proposed required changes to the JCA specification, I discussed our requirements with the JCA spec lead and logged
> them as a JCA specification issue:
> If you read that issue you will see that I asked that the values returned contained only particular characters and that
> when combined together were no longer than 128 characters. This is so we can be sure that any generated subscriptionName
> was valid (as defined in the new 6.11.5 "Subscription name characters and length").
> I also asked that the names returned should be consistent after the instance is restarted or reconfigured (within
> reason). We can't have a subscription name changing after a restart.
> I met (on the phone) with the JCA EG last week to explain the JMS requirements. The JCA expert group has now considered
> this proposal and is close to making their final decision. Based on what I've heard so far, here's what I am expecting
> to happen:
> Instance name
> -------------
> I'm expecting the JCA expert group to reject my proposal to add a method to BootstrapContext to obtain the "instance
> name" on the grounds that it is too Java EE-specific.
> Fortunately there is a fallback, which is for the resource adapter to lookup the new pre-defined JNDI name
> java:comp/InstanceName defined in the Java EE platform spec (see section EE.5.16 "Application Server Instance Name").
> However this currently has no limitations on length or on the characters returned.
> It is defined as follows:
> "EE.5.16 Application Server Instance Name
> "In some special cases, it may be necessary to identify the name of the application server instance in which a component
> is executing—for example, when a resource adapter needs to perform endpoint activation. A component may access the name
> of the application server instance in which it is executing using the pre-defined JNDI name java:comp/InstanceName. This
> name is represented by a String object. If the application has been deployed into a clustered application server, this
> name identifies the application server instance within the cluster. This name is only guaranteed to be unique within
> instances of the same cluster. If the application server is not clustered, it is the empty string."
> Activation name
> ---------------
> I'm expecting the JCA expert group to agree to my proposal to add a method to MessageEndpointFactory to obtain the
> "activation name".
> However it looks as if my proposal for limitations on length and on the characters returned have been rejected as being
> "too JMS-specific".
> Here's the API proposed by the JCA EG:
> "java.lang.String getActivationName()
> "Returns a unique name for the message endpoint deployment represented by the MessageEndpointFactory. If the message
> endpoint has been deployed into a clustered application server then this method must return the same name for that
> message endpoint'ss activation in each application server instance. It is recommended that this name be human-readable
> since this name may be used by the resource adapter in ways that may be visible to a user or administrator. It is also
> recommended that this name remain unchanged even in cases when the application server is restarted or the message
> endpoint redeployed."
> Review
> ------
> My main concern here is that the strings obtained by the resource adapter may be of any length and may contain any
> characters. The resource adapter will be responsible for converting these strings into a valid subscription name which
> conforms to the new JMS section 6.11.5 "Subscription name characters and length" whilst retaining the necessary
> semantics and uniqueness. It's not immediately obvious to me that a resource adapter will be able to do this without,
> say, using some kind of cluster-wide database to store a mapping between the "long" and "shortened" version of each name.
> Let's review which use cases are affected by this problem. There are four use cases we need to consider:
> 1. subscriptionScope=Cluster, subscriptionName=unset
> 2. subscriptionScope=Cluster, subscriptionName=specified
> 3. subscriptionScope=Instance, subscriptionName=unset
> 4. subscriptionScope=Intance, subscriptionName=specified
> 1. subscriptionScope=Cluster, subscriptionName=unset
> ----------------------------------------------------
> In this case the subscriptionName used should be based on the activationName returned by the MessageEndpointFactory. The
> resource adapter will be responsible for ensuring that the subscriptionName is of less than 128 characters and contains
> only valid characters.
> 2. subscriptionScope=Cluster, subscriptionName=specified
> ----------------------------------------------------
> In this case the subscriptionName used can be the specified subscriptionName. No other information is required from the
> container. Since the deployer can be required to provide a name of a valid length and containing valid characters, there
> is no problem here.
> 3. subscriptionScope=Instance, subscriptionName=unset
> ----------------------------------------------------
> In this case the subscriptionName used should be based on the activationName returned by the MessageEndpointFactory,
> combined with the instance name obtained by JNDI lookup. The resource adapter will be responsible for ensuring that the
> subscriptionName generated is of less than 128 characters and contains only valid characters.
> 4. subscriptionScope=Instance, subscriptionName=specified
> ----------------------------------------------------
> In this case the subscriptionName used should be based on the specified subscriptionName, combined with the instance
> name obtained by JNDI lookup. The resource adapter will be responsible for ensuring that the subscriptionName generated
> is of less than 128 characters and contains only valid characters.
> My feeling is that in cases 1,3 and 4 we are placing a requirement on the resource adapter that it may be difficult to
> implement. (Note that use case 4 would still be a problem even if the JCA has provided what I asked for).
> Conclusions
> -----------
> I haven't come to a firm conclusion yet, but I am beginning to feel that implementing subscriptionScope by requiring the
> resource adapter to automatically generate the subscription name may not be practical because it would be difficult to
> implement in a portable way which works in multiple application servers.
> What do others think? Should we look at other ways of implementing "subscription scope" which does not rely on the
> resource adapter generating a subscription name?
> Nigel