Hi Nigel,
Was reviewing javadocs for JMS2.0 specification.
Have several questions/proposals:
> A JMSConsumer object is created by passing a Destination object to one of
> the createConsumer or createDurableConsumer methods on a JMSContext.
This is not precise enough I think, cause JMSConsumer could be created by
createSharedConsumer() methods also
and createDurableConsumer/createDurableConsumer methods are required
passing exactly Topic, but not any Destination...
> This method must not be used in a Java EE web or EJB application. Doing so
> may cause a JMSRuntimeException to be thrown though this is not guaranteed
I suspect it is because preferred way to use asynchronous delivery in Java
EE container is to use MDBs. Might be worth saying it in javadocs. What do
you think?
What's the implications of using getPriority()/setPriority() methods?
Does it mean that messages will be placed in priority order on broker's
message queue?
Or no guarantee and it is up to consumer how to use it?
I noticed that there are number of similar send methods differ only by type
of payload to be send.
Not sure it is not planned yet, but why can't we introduce:
*<T> JMSProducer sendPayload(Destination dest, T payload)*
This will be consistent with new methods for receiving payloads.
I noticed that there are number of similar methods differ only by type of
property used.
Why can't we introduce:
*<T> T getProperty(String name, Class<T> type)*
*<T> void setProperty(String name, T value)*
This will be also consistent with new methods for receiving payloads.
> Restrictions on usage in Java EE An asynchronous send is not permitted in
> a Java EE EJB or web container. If the application component violates this
> restriction this method may throw a JMSRuntimeException.
Again might be worth to explain why. What do you think?
What is the reason to support byte[] IDs?
Thank you,