[jms-spec users] [jsr343-experts] Re: JMS 2.0: Planning the next stage

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2012 14:42:54 +0100

On 04/04/2012 12:18, John D. Ament wrote:
> So what exactly is the plan with the proposed high priority items (from the EG's perspective)? I know a few of mine
> need some more concrete proposals (e.g. APIs, specifications on what happens), should we just start throwing them around
> and see what sticks?

I've received three sets of "votes" for the P3 "New Issues" (including one set from John). More "votes" welcome.

As for your question: the "top" (P1) priority was the three unresolved issues from the Early Draft:

JMS_SPEC-70 Define annotations for injecting MessagingContext objects
There are quite a few unresolved aspects to this, but the biggest was what the scope of the injected objects should be.
The Early Draft proposed request scope, but I subsequently proposed a combined request/transaction scope as an
alternative. This was put on hold pending any possible new transaction scope being added to CDI, but nothing seems to be
happening and I suspect we should simply define whatever scope *we* need.

JMS_SPEC-64 Define simplified JMS API
The main unresolved aspect to this was the API for async message delivery, which I felt was getting too complicated. I
think we've largely resolved this by reinstating a separate JMSConsumer object.

JMS_SPEC-36 Allow messages to be delivered asynchronously in batches
This issue is receiving decidedly mixed views, with some EG members asking that this be deferred until Java EE 8 allows
a more flexible async message delivery mechanism. In the absence of a clear need for this feature I'm inclined to defer
it too (and remove it from the spec) though I've simply left this for now.

John - are all the topics of interest to you captured as JIRA issues now? (I think Ruediger's JMS_SPEC-88
<> proposal for linking incoming messages to CDI events is somewhat different
from what you have advocated in the past, so you may want to log this as a separate issue).

Which were the topics that you were thinking of providing more concrete proposals? if it's a topic we haven't started
discussing yet, then I would suggest updating the JIRA issue first of all.

Does this answer your question?


On 28/03/2012 15:13, Nigel Deakin wrote:
> I'd like to move to the next stage in planning the next stage of our work on JMS 2.0, and for this I would like your
> help in selecting the order in which we discuss the various proposals that have been made.
> If you don't feel like reading the whole thing, please jump to "Priority 3: New Issues" below and read on to the *Action*:
> I have reviewed all the issues in JIRA, including those added in the last two weeks, and sorted them into groups.
> I'm managing this using tags: if you're interested in this please look at
> which contains the queries I used to generate the lists below.
> *Issues incorporated in the Early Draft and complete*
> Here are the issues which we have already discussed, agreed, and incorporated in the Early Draft, and appear to be
> essentially complete. I don't think we need to discuss them further, though I expect the engineers working on the RI
> and TCK may uncover errors or ambiguities which we may need to resolve.
> JMS_SPEC-65 <> Clarify use of NoLocal arg when using createDurableSubscriber
> JMS_SPEC-53 <> Make Connection and other interfaces implement AutoCloseable
> JMS_SPEC-52 <> Clarify that a message may be sent using a different session
> from that used to create the message
> JMS_SPEC-51 <> New methods to replace Session.createDurableSubscriber() and
> return a MessageConsumer
> JMS_SPEC-50 <> Clarify that JMS providers must implement both P2P and Pub-Sub
> JMS_SPEC-49 <> Improve specification of ExceptionListener
> JMS_SPEC-48 <> Specify that connection.stop() or close() may not be called
> from a MessageListener
> JMS_SPEC-45 <> Clarify and improve Connection.createSession
> JMS_SPEC-44 <> New API to specify delivery delay
> JMS_SPEC-43 <> New API to send a message with async acknowledgement from server
> JMS_SPEC-42 <> Make support for JMSXDeliveryCount mandatory
> JMS_SPEC-39 <> Make clientId optional when creating a durable subscription
> JMS_SPEC-34 <> Calling setJMSDeliveryMode or setJMSPriority on a
> javax.jms.Message before it is sent don't have any effect
> JMS_SPEC-33 <> Improving the JMS API with API simplifications, annotations and
> JMS_SPEC-27 <> Clarify the relationship between the JMS and other Java EE
> specifications
> *Priority 1: Issues incorporated in the Early Draft which are not complete*
> The following three issues have also been discussed, agreed, and incorporated in the Early Draft. However during the
> process of preparing the Early Draft I realised that more work was needed on them, as I explicitly described in
> Section A.2 of the Early Draft. Completing these issues is our highest priority for the Public Draft.
> JMS_SPEC-70 <> Define annotations for injecting MessagingContext objects
> JMS_SPEC-64 <> Define simplified JMS API
> JMS_SPEC-36 <> Allow messages to be delivered asynchronously in batches
> *Priority 2: Issues which were planned for the early Draft but which couldn't be completed in time*
> The next priority, I would suggest, is the following issues which were planned for the Early Draft but which couldn't
> be completed in time, either because we ran out of time or because they turned out to be difficult. Considering these
> issues, and deciding what changes, if any, are needed, is (I would suggest) our next-highest priority for the Public
> Draft.
> JMS_SPEC-89 <> Define standard API to create and configure a ConnectionFactory
> in Java SE applications and by a Java EE container
> JMS_SPEC-57 <> Add Java EE 7 multi-tenancy support
> JMS_SPEC-47 <> Deprecate domain-specific APIs and propose for removal
> JMS_SPEC-41 <> Support topic hierarchies
> JMS_SPEC-40 <> Allow multiple consumers to be created on the same topic
> subscription
> JMS_SPEC-28 <> Clarify how the JMS provider should interact with Transaction
> Managers.
> JMS_SPEC-26 <> Decide on the future of the optional Chapter 8 API "JMS
> Application Server Facilities"
> JMS_SPEC-25 <> Standardise the interface between a JMS provider and a Java EE
> application server
> *Background tasks: Very minor issues which can be discussed in parallel to other issues*
> The following issues are clarifications,documentation tidy-ups or minor changes to exception handling etc. These
> involve none or few code changes, and I believe they are generally uncontroversial. They are all low priority but
> because they are very minor I think we should be able to handle them all in parallel with larger issues. I don't think
> there's any need to spend time putting these in order of priority: I'll just work my way through them.
> JMS_SPEC-87 <> Section 2.5 "Interfaces" needs updating to introduce the
> simplified API
> JMS_SPEC-86 <> Chapter 1 "Introduction" is a little dated and requires rewriting
> JMS_SPEC-85 <> Clarify how Message.receiveNoWait() is expected to behave
> JMS_SPEC-84 <> Clarify when acknowledged persistent messages may be dropped
> JMS_SPEC-82 <> Replace GMT with UTC
> JMS_SPEC-81 <> Remove Change History for previous versions from the specification
> JMS_SPEC-80 <> Error in example "Reconnect to a topic using a durable
> subscription"
> JMS_SPEC-78 <> JMS implementation of QueueRequestor and TopicRequestor doesn't
> throw correct exception when destination is null
> JMS_SPEC-77 <> MapMessage.setBytes API discrepancy found in the javadocs
> JMS_SPEC-75 <> Ambiguous javadocs for Connection.createConnectionConsumer and
> createDurableConnectionConsumer
> JMS_SPEC-69 <> Clarify that QueueRequestor and TopicRequestor only work in a
> non-transacted session with auto or dups-ok ack
> JMS_SPEC-31 <> change javadoc on session.createQueue and createTopic to make
> clearer the provider may create a physical destination
> JMS_SPEC-3 <> Fix JavaDocs to reflect missing NumberFormatException from API
> methods
> JMS_SPEC-2 <> Fix JavaDocs to reflect missing IllegalStateException from API
> methods
> *Priority 3: New Issues*
> We now come to the new issues which we have not formally considered yet. I think we should plan to discuss all of
> them, even if the conclusion is to do nothing. However, bearing in mind the Priority 2 issues above, I don't think we
> are going to have time to discuss all of them in time for JMS 2.0 so we decide which ones to discuss first:
> Here are the 14 larger new issues:
> JMS_SPEC-90 <> Provide simpler mechanism to refer to queues and topics in a
> portable way
> JMS_SPEC-88 <> Bind JMS to CDI events and/or business interfaces
> JMS_SPEC-83 <> Tighter specification of Expired Message Handling in Section
> 4.8 "Message Time-to-Live"
> JMS_SPEC-74 <> Define lifecycle of durable subscriptions used by MDBs
> JMS_SPEC-73 <> Define how messages from a topic are delivered to clustered
> application server instances
> JMS_SPEC-72 <> Poison message management
> JMS_SPEC-59 <> Basic metadata/management via JMS
> JMS_SPEC-58 <> New method Message.copyMessage() to create a mutable copy of a
> received message
> JMS_SPEC-37 <> Last Value Cache Feature for a topic.
> JMS_SPEC-21 <> Support for pre-acknowledge ack mode
> JMS_SPEC-18 <> Standard set of server JMX MBeans
> JMS_SPEC-14 <> Durable subscription browser
> JMS_SPEC-7 <> Provide HTTP Binding
> JMS_SPEC-5 <> Multi-Value Support in Properties
> Here are the 8 smaller new issues:
> JMS_SPEC-91 <> New "relaxed message order" option
> JMS_SPEC-79 <> New factory methods to create BytesMessage and MapMessage and
> set the payload
> JMS_SPEC-71 <> Change XAConnectionFactory to extend ConnectionFactory
> JMS_SPEC-68 <> Add new method Session.acknowledge()
> JMS_SPEC-67 <> Relaxing the requirement to throw an exception if a message is
> sent to a deleted temp destination
> JMS_SPEC-66 <> Define how MessageConsumer.receive should handle a thread
> interrupt
> JMS_SPEC-24 <> Clarify classloader used in ObjectMessage.getObject() and/or
> provide new method getObject(ClassLoader classLoader)
> JMS_SPEC-22 <> Add JMS defined property JMSXGroupLast
> *Action*: I would like to invite everyone to select up to *6* issues from the *22 *issues listed in the two tables
> above that /you /think we should discuss. I'll then combine our choices into a single shortlist. Anything not
> shortlisted will stay on the list for later.
> If there are only a handful of replies I will assume that no-one else has any particular views and is happy leaving me
> to decide. (Though if you're happy leaving me to decide, please say so anyway!)
> Here is my shortlist: I've reviewed these within Oracle and we would pick out the following 5 as worth considering first:
> <> Provide simpler mechanism to refer to queues and topics in a portable way
> <> Define how messages from a topic are delivered to clustered application
> server instances
> JMS_SPEC-79 <> New factory methods to create BytesMessage and MapMessage and
> set the payload
> JMS_SPEC-68 <> Add new method Session.acknowledge()
> <> New "relaxed message order" option
> *Other issues*
> These issues are significant changes which I propose to *reject *. I'll start a (hopefully brief) email thread to
> confirm this before I do so.
> JMS_SPEC-61 <> Selector on JMS body
> JMS_SPEC-4 <> Properties on Messages should follow builder pattern.
> These issues may well have merit, but they're just one-liners with no details, and I don't think we can take them
> further unless the submitter, or someone else, makes some more specific proposals. I therefore propose to simply leave
> these open at the present.
> JMS_SPEC-11 <> Support for STOMP messaging
> JMS_SPEC-9 <> Support for AMQP messaging
> JMS_SPEC-8 <> Add Reference to URI Scheme
> JMS_SPEC-6 <> Add Reference to SOAP Binding
> Nigel