Thanks to Clebert, Reza and Masoud for offering to join me in presenting this BOF.
I have just discovered that the deadline for submitting presentations has been extended to May 26, 2011, 11:59pm PDT.
This means that we have to add some additional names to the submission. In the past, the JavaOne authorities have looked
favourably on presentations submitted jointly by multiple organisations, so it would probably help get the proposal
accepted if we had a couple of other companies on the proposal.
As I mentioned, we can have three speakers - which is unfortunate given that we have four volunteers.
"Max of 3 Oracle Speakers; Max of 2 non-Oracle speakers; Not to exceed 3 speakers in total."
Since Clebert and Reza both represent major organisations may I invite you to register your details at
and let me know by direct email? (I just need to know what email address you supplied)
Then I can "add" you to the proposal as speakers. If either of you would wish to stand aside for Masoud then please let
us know.
Thanks - and sorry about the rush.
On 23/05/2011 17:47, Clebert Suconic wrote:
> I would be a volunteer. (If I could)
> On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Nigel Deakin<> wrote:
>> Today is the last day to submit papers for JavaOne 2011
>> This is 2-6 October 2011 in San Francisco.
>> Since this occurs at about the same time as the Early Draft is due, JavaOne
>> offers a good opportunity to present the progress of the JSR and what is
>> likely to be in it.
>> I've therefore taken the liberty of proposing that I and two or three other
>> members of the Expert Group deliver a presentation to a BOF (Birds of a
>> Feather) session.
>> Would any other EG members like to join me in presenting this BOF? We can
>> have up to two non Oracle speakers plus up to three Oracle speakers (I have
>> no idea why).
>> Here's the proposal I submitted (which, of course, may not be accepted):
>> Title: JSR 343 - What's coming in Java Message Service 2.0
>> Session Type: BOF (Birds of a Feather)
>> Abstract: JMS is a key part of Java EE, despite not having been updated
>> since 2002. There is therefore no shortage of ideas for updating it, which
>> is why in 2011 the JMS community has come together in JSR 343 to define JMS
>> 2.0. JMS 2.0 will define new facilities to support Java EE 7 and the needs
>> of the cloud. It will also include features to improve the ease of use,
>> updates to clarify the relationship with other Java EE specifications,
>> mandatory API for integration with application servers and many other
>> changes that that have been proposed following nearly a decade of use. This
>> session will be presented by members of the JSR 343 Expert Group. Come and
>> hear what will be in the Early Draft of JMS 2.0 and and join the subsequent
>> discussion.
>> Experience Level: Introductory
>> Primary Track: Java EE Web Profile and Platform Technologies
>> Optional Track: Enterprise Service Architectures and the Cloud
>> Session Category: Open Source Standards
>> Nigel