I volunteer to join the session if it get accepted.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Nigel Deakin <>
> May 23, 2011 6:43 PM
> Today is the last day to submit papers for JavaOne 2011
> This is 2-6 October 2011 in San Francisco.
> Since this occurs at about the same time as the Early Draft is due,
> JavaOne offers a good opportunity to present the progress of the JSR
> and what is likely to be in it.
> I've therefore taken the liberty of proposing that I and two or three
> other members of the Expert Group deliver a presentation to a BOF
> (Birds of a Feather) session.
> Would any other EG members like to join me in presenting this BOF? We
> can have up to two non Oracle speakers plus up to three Oracle
> speakers (I have no idea why).
> Here's the proposal I submitted (which, of course, may not be accepted):
> Title: JSR 343 - What's coming in Java Message Service 2.0
> Session Type: BOF (Birds of a Feather)
> Abstract: JMS is a key part of Java EE, despite not having been
> updated since 2002. There is therefore no shortage of ideas for
> updating it, which is why in 2011 the JMS community has come together
> in JSR 343 to define JMS 2.0. JMS 2.0 will define new facilities to
> support Java EE 7 and the needs of the cloud. It will also include
> features to improve the ease of use, updates to clarify the
> relationship with other Java EE specifications, mandatory API for
> integration with application servers and many other changes that that
> have been proposed following nearly a decade of use. This session will
> be presented by members of the JSR 343 Expert Group. Come and hear
> what will be in the Early Draft of JMS 2.0 and and join the subsequent
> discussion.
> Experience Level: Introductory
> Primary Track: Java EE Web Profile and Platform Technologies
> Optional Track: Enterprise Service Architectures and the Cloud
> Session Category: Open Source Standards
> Nigel
Author of GlassFish Security book
Software Engineer and Developer
Netbeans Community and Dream Team Member: