
[jsr343-experts] JMS 2.0 Priorities: Proposal from Masoud Kalali

From: Masoud Kalali <kalali_at_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2011 16:29:44 +0200

Hello experts,

To talk about JMS specific priorities without considering the cloud
integration and the Java EE 7 overall changes which will affect the JMS
2.0 as well, my priorities goes as follow:

1- Ease the use of the API both from within the container and also from
Java SE, maybe this is a fair goal to make the API easier to use with
more automation in construction different objects rather than leaving it
to the end users. It would be good to ease starting with JMS for new
users as it has been done for EJBs.

2- There are several Message Queue implementation available out there
and each one has implemented a set of features more interesting to the
users like what ActiveMQ has as Consumer Dispatch Async and Asynch
send, etc, we can scan all of the implementations and see what are the
features implemented int he broker level and exposed at the API level
for the users and evaluate them to see whether they fit to be part of
the spec or not. JMS is long long awaited for this updated spec and many
features are available in the implementations which are not part of the
spec and yet suitable for the users

3- Reza iterated over some of the priorities specially the abstraction
Spring JmsTemplate provides pretty well.

I will go into details of each item in separate emails.



Software Engineer and Developer