[Jersey] Re: Jersey 1.5 won't start

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 11:17:13 +0100


can you please share that "very unhelp" exception?

It is probably related to dependency injection, behavior slightly
changed in this matter - previously *null* was injected whenever jersey
wasn't able to inject properly. Current approach is to report error and
don't proceed with creating that particular instance..


On 01/25/2011 03:54 AM, wrote:
> Hello all, new to Jersey (just became a maintainer of a ton of legacy
> code), and hardly know where to begin.
> Besides bringing in a build system& process (Maven FTW), I also set
> out to update Jersey to the latest and greatest (so long 1.2!).
> However, now I can't get the "Jersey Application to start."
> My logs are filled with very unhelp
> jersey.spi.inject.Errors$ErrorMessageExceptions whenever I try to start
> the Jersey app. When I disable load-on-startup, I am at least able to
> get the app deployed so I can access it, but any service throws this
> error message. (It almost looks like Jersey is trying to throw an
> exception but the exception handling isn't loaded).
> I'm running it in "Application mode", ie, I have a Configuration class
> (that extends Application) defined in my web.xml (the
> as an init-param. When I set a breakpoint, I did
> see jersey getting to this Configuration class before it failed.
> (At the time of writing this, I did not have access to the
> Jesey-sources to properly debug the end to end process).
> So, with a not helpful at all exception in the log, I'm at a loss as to
> what to test. The only thing that does give me pause is that after
> removing almost all of MY source from the project and redeploying
> (basically with just the jersey libs, no actual services), the
> application started successfully. Are there any changes from 1.2 to
> future versions that could be big gotchas and cause issues?
> Other notes that may or may not be relevant:
> App server is Weblogic 10.3.3
> O/S is a Red Hat Varient
> Java: 1.6