[Jersey] Jersey 1.5 won't start

From: <>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 02:54:37 +0000 (GMT)

Hello all, new to Jersey (just became a maintainer of a ton of legacy
code), and hardly know where to begin.

Besides bringing in a build system & process (Maven FTW), I also set
out to update Jersey to the latest and greatest (so long 1.2!).
However, now I can't get the "Jersey Application to start."

My logs are filled with very unhelp
jersey.spi.inject.Errors$ErrorMessageExceptions whenever I try to start
the Jersey app. When I disable load-on-startup, I am at least able to
get the app deployed so I can access it, but any service throws this
error message. (It almost looks like Jersey is trying to throw an
exception but the exception handling isn't loaded).

I'm running it in "Application mode", ie, I have a Configuration class
(that extends Application) defined in my web.xml (the as an init-param. When I set a breakpoint, I did
see jersey getting to this Configuration class before it failed.

(At the time of writing this, I did not have access to the
Jesey-sources to properly debug the end to end process).

So, with a not helpful at all exception in the log, I'm at a loss as to
what to test. The only thing that does give me pause is that after
removing almost all of MY source from the project and redeploying
(basically with just the jersey libs, no actual services), the
application started successfully. Are there any changes from 1.2 to
future versions that could be big gotchas and cause issues?

Other notes that may or may not be relevant:
App server is Weblogic 10.3.3
O/S is a Red Hat Varient
Java: 1.6